UW Science Initiative
SIB Rm 2030
Department 4325, 1000 E. University
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4415
Email: SI@uwyo.edu
Given the materials / knowledge from the Science Initiative Summer Institute and monthly workshops successful faculty / graduate student fellows will be able to: |
Undeveloped (lacking / inaccurate / inappropriate) |
Evolving (appropriate but partially-formed) |
Developed (appropriate and adequate) |
Highly Developed (precise and descriptive / nuanced / exemplary) |
implement active learning exercises | No evidence of active learning implementation or misunderstanding of something inactive as being active. | Evidence of active learning implementation at a very minimal level (e.g. only Poll Everywhere questions 1X per lecture). | Evidence of active learning implementation. | Not only is there evidence of AL implementation but it is clear that AL is being used to give students ownership over the learning experience. |
develop an informed written teaching philosophy | Only initial submission. | Philosophy redrafted but with only the most cursory evidence of LAMP training. | Philosophy redrafted with evidence of LAMP learning. | Philosophy redrafted with creative, insightful integration of most aspects of LAMP learning. |
demonstrate enactment of that philosophy through design of instruction and/or instructional products | Instructional strategy does not reflect philosophy. | Some evidence of philosophy in instructional strategy but it is implicit and difficult to uncover. | Instructional strategy clearly reflects philosophy. | Not only does the strategy reflect philosophy but it integrates the philosophy in a nuanced and aligned way throughout the plan. |
present clear (specific and measurable) student learning outcomes that communicate both conditions and standards | No clear outcomes. | Outcomes stated but they lack clarity (conditions and standards). | Clear outcomes with appropriate standards and conditions. | Not only are the outcomes clear but they are nuanced and consider context / are thoughtfully differentiated. |
facilitate the realization of these outcomes with instruction and assessment that promote active student engagement and align with the outcomes | No alignment. | Effort made to align instruction and assessment with outcomes but actual alignment is only partially realized. | All instruction, assessments and outcomes are aligned. | All instruction, assessments and outcomes are thoughtfully, descriptively, creatively aligned. |
perform formative assessment of student learning by obtaining data and using it to further improve instruction (Ratings of student satisfaction are valuable but must also be accompanied by data that relate demonstrable student learning.) | No formative assessment. | Formative assessment done but it's not clear that it is used to improve instruction. | Formative assessment is clear and is used to improve instruction. | Formative assessment is not only used to improve instruction it is used holistically to improve the student experience in all ways. |
The Syllabus: |
Undeveloped (lacking / inaccurate / inappropriate) |
Evolving (appropriate but partially-formed) |
Developed (appropriate and adequate) |
Highly Developed (precise and descriptive / nuanced / exemplary) |
communicates the teaching philosophy of the instructor | Teaching philosophy is absent or not aligned with instructor's aspirations. | Teaching philosophy is partially aligned with instructor's aspirations. | Teaching philosophy is well aligned with instructor's aspirations. | Teaching philosophy is well aligned with instructor's aspirations. It is clear how the philosophy is used to promote students' education through course design and enactment. |
uses language of inclusivity /evokes affective domain | Language is intimidating and/or discouraging. No attempt is made to appeal to students' interests nor to help students gain a feeling of agency. | Language is not intimidating but it is not supportive. Any attempt to appeal to students' interests or to help students gain a feeling of agency is partial and not well-developed or it is ineffective. | The language is welcoming of all learners. It is clear that the instructor and course design supports the learner and appeals to her/his interests and facilitates students' feelings of agency. | Not only is the language welcoming but special care is taken to communicate that all learners will be uniquely valued. The syllabus is designed to appeal to students' interests / excite them to learn / give them feelings of agency, but it does so in a creative and nuanced way. |
communicates learning outcomes | Outcomes are absent. | Outcomes are unclear or unassessable. | Learning outcomes are assessable and clearly stated. | Outcomes are clearly stated and their relevance is communicated in the larger context of the program or degree. |
communicates course content & connection to curriculum | Course content disclosure is absent or completely inconsistent with the greater purpose of the curriculum / degree. | Course content is articulated but perhaps not completely. Content is not clearly connected to the to the greater purpose of the curriculum / degree. | Content is clearly articulated and the content is connected to the greater purpose of the curriculum / degree. | Content is clearly and concisely articulated together with any expected prerequisite skills and knowledge. The content connected, in a nuanced and descriptive way, to the greater purpose of the curriculum / degree. |
communicates how students will develop learning and understanding | Approaches to developing learning and understanding are absent or conspicuously sketchy and unclear. | Approaches to developing learning and understanding are disclosed but roles and responsibilities of students are not (Students are not given full information for making informed choices that promote learning success that include the value of failure and revision in promoting their learning success.). | Approaches to developing learning and understanding are disclosed. Students are given information for making informed choices that promote learning success that include the value of failure and revision in promoting their learning success. | Approaches to developing learning and understanding are disclosed. Students are given information for making informed choices that promote learning success that include the value of failure and revision in promoting their learning success through advancing others' learning. |
communicates how students will be evaluated | Grading criteria and/or methods of evaluation are absent or conspicuously sketchy and unclear. | Grading criteria are clear but evaluation methods are primitive (not conducive to reflection or deepening understanding). Evaluations only partially align with learning outcomes. | Grading criteria clear. Evaluation methods are clear and promote thinking and metacognition. Evaluations align with learning outcomes. | Grading criteria clear. Evaluation methods are clear, sophisticated, and promote thinking and metacognition. Evaluations align with learning outcomes in a creative and nuanced way. |
This rubric is simply a guide for structuring a syllabus that reflects pedagogy. A syllabus may be quite good without achieving a Highly Developed mark in each category. We hope this stimulates your thought about designing and using assessment rubrics. Designed by Rachel Watson and Ed Nuhfer (September 2016) |
UW Science Initiative
SIB Rm 2030
Department 4325, 1000 E. University
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4415
Email: SI@uwyo.edu