Contact Us

UW Science Initiative

SIB Rm 2030

Department 4325, 1000 E. University

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4415

UW Top-Tier Science Initiative Logo

Newsletters and Reports

For the latest Science Initiative updates, download our newsletters and reports below.


Fall 2023 Newsletter

Fall 2023 Newsletter - first page

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Front page of Spring 2024 newsletter for Science Initiative

Spring 2024 Strategic Plan Update - Extended Version

SI Strategic Plan Update Brochure front cover Spring 2024



Fall 2022 Newsletter

Front page of SI Newsletter Fall 2022

LAMP LAs in the College of Ed

Image of report that shows how many Learning Assistants have hailed from the College of Education

Spring 2023 Newsletter
First page of Spring 2023 SI Newsletter
Spring 2023 Strategic Plan Update - Extended Version
Strategic Plan Update Report Spring 2023 front cover
Annual Report 2022-2023
Cover of 2022-2023 SI Annual Report - two scientists working together



Fall 2021 NewsletterFall 2021 Science Initiative Newsletter
SI Program Participants-A&S

SI Program Participants 1-sheet report for A&S

SI Program Participants-AGNR

SI Program Participant 1-sheet report AGNR

SI Program Participants-CEAS

SI Program Participants 1-sheet report CEAS

Spring 2022 Newsletter

SI Newsletter Spring 2022

Programs and Facilities Update - 2022

SI Programs and Facilities Update 2022

Annual Report 2021-2022

Front page of Si Annual Report 2021-22 Student doing research in alpine environment



Spring 2021 Newsletter

SI Newsletter Spring 2021

LAMP LIFE 1010 DWF rates

LAMP LIFE 1010 DWF rates report

Fall 2020 Newsletter
Fall 2020 newsletter
Strategic Plan 2021-26

SI Strategic Plan 2021-26

Annual Report 2020-2021

Annual Report 2020-2021




Spring 2020 Newsletter

newsletter spring 2020 first page

LAMP Educators Survey
LAMP SoTL survey 2019 report
Fall 2019 Newsletter
Annual Report 2019-2020

SI 2019-2020 Annual Report

LAMP Online Teaching Survey

LAMP survey COVID-19 thumbnail

Programs and Facilities Update

cover of si programs and facilities update

Contact Us

UW Science Initiative

SIB Rm 2030

Department 4325, 1000 E. University

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4415

UW Top-Tier Science Initiative Logo