
Spaces (Research Rooms) in the greenhouse can be booked using the PPMS platform for a base rate of $1/ft2. Here a summary of the 2024/2025 rates as for the University of Wyoming Fee Book. Total usable space for small bays is 200 ft.2 and 400 ft2 for large bays.

Here a summary of the 2024/2025 rates as for the University of Wyoming Fee Book:


Science Initiative - Plant Growth and Phenotyping Facility (PGPF)

Space Type Weekly Rate
Small Bay $55.38
Large Bay $110.77
Walk-In Growth Chamber $120.50
Walk-In Growth Chamber with receptacle $123.25
Services Hourly Rate
Controlled Ag system maintenance fee $20/hr
Manual watering fee $15/hr

Above rates are for internal and external-federal-funded academic research only


Consumables will be charged at cost plus 20% markup


CO2 will be charged at cost plus 30% markup


Small bays can be reserved for course and/or outreach instruction at $27.69/week


Small bays can be reserved for public (external, non-commercial, non-federal) use at $132/week


For rates of room #2 and #5 deployed with vertical tower hydroponic systems please contact our Facility Manager at mbaldwi5@uwyo.edu.