UWs Carpenter to Speak on States Carbon Capture Perspective

head photo of a man
Steven Carpenter

The director of the University of Wyoming’s Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute will speak about regulation of wells for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide Wednesday, Dec. 9, at 9 a.m.

Steven Carpenter’s presentation, the third webinar in the “CO2 Transport Infrastructure MOU -- Wyoming Perspective,” is part of a learning webinar series hosted by the state Carbon Capture Working Group. The Zoom link for Wednesday’s webinar is https://betterenergy.zoom.us/j/96250794838?pwd=YWxObVIwdHZROUhNRTBRZ0dtMGpNUT09. The meeting ID is 962 5079 4838, and the passcode is 656828.

Carpenter will share updates on Wyoming’s recent Class VI primacy award. He will focus on the U.S. Carbon Capture Project Database, Wyoming and Louisiana perspectives, and conclude with a federal update on the SCALE Act.

A seasoned executive with 30 years of experience in the international energy and mining industry, Carpenter is an internationally recognized subject matter expert on enhanced oil recovery, climate change, and carbon and risk management issues. His work includes technical assessment, public policy, legal and regulatory issues, training and education.

The learning webinar will bring together experts and signatories to review analyses; highlight current CO2 transport infrastructure projects; provide Class VI updates; and discuss a strategy for developing recommendations for an action plan.

CO2 transport infrastructure development is a necessary component to meeting U.S. midcentury climate goals and a mechanism for bolstering regional jobs and economies. Seven states -- Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Wyoming -- have signed a memorandum of understanding showcasing their commitment to the development of CO2 transport infrastructure and the establishment of an action plan, which provides state and regional policy recommendations to ensure the deployment of CO2 transport infrastructure.


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