Published June 07, 2022
By Christine Reed
The University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER) has launched an accelerated degree program in collaboration with the College of Law.
The Quickstart 3+3 program allows UW students to earn a bachelor’s degree in energy resource management and development (ERMD) through SER and a law degree through the College of Law. Students can now gain the combined professional credentials in six years instead of the traditional seven.
“We are very excited about this program and partnership,” says Kami Danaei, academic director for SER. “The ERMD degree is well suited for student success in the legal and regulatory field, with a curriculum heavy in federal land use, contracts and property. Many of our students have gone on to pursue postgraduate opportunities in law, and the Quickstart 3+3 will offer students a fast-track path to achieving their goals.”
Students will spend the first three years earning credit toward a bachelor’s degree and the last three completing the law degree requirements. The credits earned after successfully completing the first-year law school curriculum will transfer back to the undergraduate program for awarding a bachelor’s degree.
Lisa Nunley, the director of admissions for the UW College of Law, agrees that the program will be mutually beneficial to the academic units and advantageous to students.
“With the rising costs of higher education nationwide, one of the main benefits of the program is that students will save an entire year of tuition,” Nunley says. “Additionally, the program will attract driven students who know that their ultimate goal is to practice law. Then, hopefully, we will retain that talent in Wyoming.”
To qualify for the program, students must declare a major in ERMD by fall semester of their sophomore year and complete a minimum of 85-95 credits in the program by the end of their junior year. During their junior year, interested students must take the Law School Admission Test and apply to the College of Law. Applicants are held to the same UW law admission standards as non-quickstart students.
If an applicant is declined admission to the UW College of Law, the student can complete the baccalaureate requirements for the declared major.
“We feel very confident and optimistic about the future success of this program,” Danaei says. “The intersection between energy and law is formidable, and SER shares a firm commitment with the law school to train students through experiential learning opportunities and connecting them with future employers. The further collaboration in these two sectors will give graduates a head start in their careers.”
For more information about the Quickstart 3+3 program, view the degree entry in the UW course catalog or declare interest by emailing SER at seracad@uwyo.edu.