The University of Wyoming College of Engineering and Applied Sciences has Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology (ABET) program accreditation for several undergraduate programs. Please see the website for more ABET information, Some of these accredited programs have the possibility for licensure. Not all career positions in engineering will require licensure, but some may require a license to practice. Students who want to seek licensure will need to take the NCEES the F.E. and the P.E. examinations and pass to qualify for application for licensure. The F.E. exam is given to students while attending the UW. Please see the NCEES website here for more exam information on exam requirements per state UW cannot guarantee licensure in any U.S. State, District or Territory as applicants are reviewed on a case by case basis. First review the list of programs provided below to make sure your degree program is included in ABET accreditation. Please see the second list below of U.S. States, Districts and Territories to determine if the UW Engineering education meets or does not meet the licensure application processes. For more information on engineering licensure you can contact the College of Engineering or contact Compliance and Review Specialist, Erika Helgeson at or 307-766-3423.
ABET Undergraduate Engineering Programs for Licensure:
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Energy System Engineering
Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Chemical Engineering
An ABET accredited 4-year degree and passing the F.E. exam will allow a student to apply for the Engineering Intern certification. An ABET accredited 4-year degree with 4 years experience and passing both the F.E. and the P.E. exam will allow student to apply to the Alabama State Board for P.E. Licensure. We do not guarantee that our students will be accepted for licensure in Alabama, but our students can apply for both intern certification and licensure with our degrees. Please see the links below for more information.
Alabama Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors home webpage
Alabama Board Engineering Intern (EI) Certification information webpage
Alabama Board Professional Engineering (PE) Application information webpage
Alaska has the following requirements to apply for Professional Engineering licensure. First all applicants will need to have passed the F.E. exam to be eligible for the P.E. exam. Students must pass the P.E. exam in order to apply for licensure. For a student to sit for the P.E. exam: A student will need an ABET accredited Bachelor's of Science Engineering degree and a masters or doctorate plus 3 years of working experience or an ABET accredited Bachelor's of Science Engineering degree and 5 years of working experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Alaska Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors home webpage
Unsure of meeting
Currently there is not enough information to determine if the University of Wyoming Land Surveying certificate program will be accepted to work in the American Samoa territory. Please see the website below for American Samoa Architecture & Engineering government contact information.
American Samoa Department of Public Works: Architecture & Engineering Division
There is no specific engineering degree or formal education required in Arizona for
Professional Engineers. A person must have an ABET accredited engineering degree and
have taken the NCEES to apply without any extra application process. If you do not
have an ABET accredited engineering degree or any formal education you should submit
an application to sit for the NCEES F.E. and P.E. examination to the Arizona State
Board of Technical Registration. The Board’s approval process may take eight to twelve
weeks depending on the applicant’s qualifications and timely submission of required
documents. If the Board has not received an application from you and approved you
to sit for a NCEES national examination, you will not be authorized to take the examination.
For a Professional Engineering license a person must be actively engaged in education
or experience, or both, in the profession for which registration is sought for at
least six years. Please see the websites below for more information.
Arizona State Board of Technical Registration home webpage
Arizona State Board of Technical Registration Engineering Applications
Arizona State Board of Technical Registration Engineer in-Training Statute
Arizona State Board of Technical Registration Professional Engineer Statute
Applicants that supply proof of graduation from an EAC of ABET approved, or equivalent,
engineering curriculum of four (4) years or more and has passed an approved NCEES
F.E. examination in the
fundamentals of engineering will be licensed as an engineer intern. For a Professional
Engineering license a student will need a minimum EAC or ABET four (4) year degree
and four (4) year of professional experience. An applicant will also need to have
passed both the F.E. and the P.E. NCEES examinations. Please see the websites below
for more information.
Arkansas State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors homepage
Arkansas State Board of Licensure Engineering Intern information webpage
Arkansas State Board of Licensure Professional Engineering information webpage
Arkansas State Board of Licensure Engineering Regulations webpage
California has requirements for those applying with degrees outside of California. For those applicants that have not completed a Engineer-in-Training program and have not completed a 4-year degree with 72 hours of professional working experience, they will need to pass the NCEES F.E. exam and apply to be an Engineer-in-Training first. For those that have completed the degree, working experience, and passed both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, can follow the instructions to apply for a Professional Engineering license. Please see the websites below for more information.
Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists homepage
Engineer-in-Training information
Colorado has several pathways to professional engineering licensure. In order to apply an applicant will need to hold and Engineering Intern certificate first. Students can enroll as an Engineering Intern in they have a 4-year ABET accredited degree and have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. exam. Applicants that already hold an engineering intern position and have 4-year or more ABET accredited degree plus 8 years of must take and pass the NCEES P.E. exam and can then apply for a Professional Engineering license. Please see the websites below for more information.
Colorado Engineering Intern checklist
Colorado State Board Architect, Engineer and Land Surveyor Homepage
Unsure of meeting
The University of Wyoming is unsure at this time if our ABET engineering degrees will be accepted for Engineer-in-Training certification in Connecticut. Currently the regulations states that a candidate must graduate from a board approved curriculum. UW cannot determine if our program meets Connecticut board approval at this time. For applicants that have already completed 4 years of working experience, have a 4-year BS Engineering, and have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams can apply for Professional Engineering licensure in Connecticut. Please see the websites below for more information.
Connecticut Professional Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Regulations
Delaware does not require an Engineer Intern certificate, but does offer one if a student has completed the NCEES F.E. exam. Applicants seeking a Professional Engineering licensure will need minimum a 4-year ABET accredited engineering BS degree and 4 years of verifiable engineering experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Delaware Association of Professional Engineers licensure information
Delaware Association of Professional Engineers engineer intern information
Applicants will need a minimum of a 4-year ABET accredited engineering degree and 4 year of supervised engineering experience before applying for a license. If an applicant has a Master's degree this can count towards 1-year of experience. Must pass the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams prior to application. Please see the website below for more information.
DCRA Professional Engineers and Land Surveying application information
For Engineering Intern applicants will need an EAC or ABET accredited 4-year engineering degree and will need to pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. For Professional Engineering Licensure an applicant will need to pass the NCESS P.E. and F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants will also need a minimum 4-year EAC or ABET accredited degree and 48 months of experience if you have a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering; or 72 months of experience if you have a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering technology. This experience must be verified by a professional. Please see the websites below for more information.
Florida Board of Professional Engineers: Engineering Intern information
Florida Board of Professional Engineers: Professional Engineering Licensure information
Florida Board of Professional Engineers: Experience information
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training certification will need a 4-year ABET accredited degree and have passed the NCEES F.E. examination. Applicants for Professional Engineering license will need to first have obtained a Engineer-in-Training certificate and 4 years of experience. Applicants for Professional Engineering license will also need to have passed both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams before application. Please see the websites below for more information.
Georgia Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
Georgia Board of Professional Engineers: Engineer-in-Training certification information
Georgia Board of Professional Engineers: Professional Engineer licensure information
Unsure of meeting
Currently there is not enough information to determine if the University of Wyoming ABET Accredited Engineering programs will be accepted to work in the Guam territory. Please see the websites below for more information on the Guam Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors.
Guam Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors homepage
Guam professional and Vocational Regulations Title 25 document
Applicants need a 4-year degree from a school or college of engineering, 4-years of experience and passing scores on both the NCEES F.E. & P.E. exams. UW cannot guarantee that applications from our students will be accepted as degrees will need to be approved by the Hawaii State Board. Please see the websites below for more information.
Does not meet
An applicant for initial licensure in Idaho must be a resident of Idaho prior to application "Residency Requirement: Except for military personnel stationed in the state of Idaho on military orders, and except for persons employed full-time in the state of Idaho, only residents of the state of Idaho and students enrolled at an Idaho university or college may qualify for assignment to professional examinations for initial licensure or certification as an intern." If an applicant already has a professional engineering license in another state prior to application then they can follow the instructions for licensure by endorsement. Please see the websites below for more information.
Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors homepage
Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Laws and Rules document
Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Applications page
Illinois has very specific coursework guidelines required to apply for Engineer Intern and for Professional Engineer Licensure. To apply for Engineering Intern certificate applicants will need to pass the NCEES F.E. exam. To apply for Professional Engineering licensure applicants will need to pass the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exam and 4 years of professional experience prior to application. Please see the websites below for more information.
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Professional Engineer home webpage
Applicants for the Engineer Intern with an ABET accredited engineering degree need to pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineering license will need to apply with the Indiana board in order to take the NCESS P.E. exam. Applicants will need a minimum of a Bachelors (Baccalaureate) degree and 4 years of experience to apply for a Professional Engineering license. Please see the websites below for more information.
Indiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers homepage
Indiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers Intern/Licensure information
Indiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers General Requirement Regulations
Iowa requires applicants for the Professional Engineering license to apply with the state board for approval in order to take the NCEES P.E. exam. Applicants must have a minimum of a ABET accredited BS engineering degree, 4 years of professional experience, and have passed the NCEES F.E. exam. Please see the websites below for more information.
Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau Engineers and Land Surveyors website
Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau Engineer Licensing regulations 542b website
Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau Engineers Rules for Application
Applicants applying for the Engineering Intern certificate will need a 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree and to pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree, 4-years of verified professional experience, and to take and pass both the NCESS F.E. and P.E. examinations. Please see the websites below for more information.
Kansas State Board of Technical Professionals Engineers website
Kansas State Board of Technical Professionals Engineer FAQs website
Kansas State Board of Technical Professionals Rules and Regulations website
Kansas State Board of Technical Professionals Engineer Intern Application
Kansas State Board of Technical Professionals Engineer Licensure Application
Applicants for an Engineer-in-Training certificate must have graduated from a 4-year ABET accredited BS Engineering degree program and have taken and passed the NCESS F.E. examination. Applicants for a Professional Engineering license must have a minimum of a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree, Taken and passed both the NCESS F.E. and P.E. examinations, and 4-years of verifiable work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Kentucky Board of Engineers & Land Surveyors Individual License webpage
Kentucky Board of Engineers & Land Surveyors Engineering License information
Kentucky Board of Engineers & Land Surveyors Engineer-in-Training certificate information
Applicants for an Engineer Intern certificate that have an ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree must take and pass the NCEES F.E. examination and will need a reference from a valid licensed Engineering Professional. Applicants for a Professional Engineering license will need a minimum of a ABET accredited BS Engineering Degree, take and pass both the NCESS F.E. and P.E. exams, 4-years of verfied professional engineering experience, and 5 personal references. Please see the websites below for more information.
Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board Application webpage
Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board Law and Rules - see Chapter 9
Applicants for Engineer Intern certificate will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree and pass the NCEES F.E. examination. Applicants for Professional Engineering license will need a minimum 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. examinations, and 4-years of verified professional engineering experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Maine Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers homepage
Maine Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers: Engineer Intern Certification Information
Maine Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers licensing information
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training certificate will need 4-year engineering degree approved by the Maryland Board and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. examination. Applicants for the Professional Engineering license will need a 4-year engineering degree approved by the Maryland board, take and pass the NCEES F.E. and P.E. examinations, and have 4 years of verified professional engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Maryland Board for Professional Engineers homepage
Maryland Board for Professional Engineers: Engineer-in-Training information
Maryland Board for Professional Engineers Licensure Information
Maryland Board for Professional Engineers Qualification Regulations
Applicants for the Engineer-in-Training (EIT) certificate will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree (Engineering Technology degrees are NOT accepted by the MA Board for EIT certification) and to pass the NCESS F.E. exam first. After a passing the exam applicants will be required to submit your eligibility documentation (transcripts, foreign evaluation, experience, etc.) to Professional Credentialing Services (PCS) for EIT certification. After these documents are entered PCS will review applications and will send information to approved candidates for EIT certificate payment. Applicants for a Professional Engineering license will need a minimum of a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Degree and 4 years of professional engineering work experience. Applicants will also need to have taken and passed both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams prior to application. Please see the websites below for more information.
Massachusetts Licensing of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
Professional Credentialing Services homepage
F.E./Engineer-in-Training Certification information
Currently UW was unable to find information on if Michigan has an Engineer-in-Training certification. For those seeking Professional Engineering licensure applicants will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree, take and pass both the F.E. and P.E. NCEES engineering exams, and 4 years of professional experience prior to application. Please see the websites below for more information.
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Professional Engineers hompage
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Professional Engineer Licensing guide
Applicants for the Engineer-in-Training certificate will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree and take and pass the NCEES F.E. examination. Applicants for Professional Licensure will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering Degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. examinations and 4 years of verified professional engineering experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID Engineering Information webpage
Minnesota Legislature Administrative Rules Professional Engineering qualification webpage
Does not meet
Mississippi requires residency or board approval for Engineer Intern certification. The board does not approve student from universities outside of Mississippi. For initial Professional Licensure Mississippi residency is required. For applicants by Comity, they will need a 4-year ABET Accredited engineering degree, take and pass both NCEES F.E. and P.E. exam and have prior Engineer Intern certification enrollment, hold a current valid license in another state. Please see the website below for more information.
Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Application webpage
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree (please note that Technology degrees, including ABET accredited technology degrees are not accepted) and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. prior to application. For Professional Engineering licensure by examination applicants will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree, take and pass both the NCESS F.E. and P.E. examinations, and will need 4 years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Missouri Division of Professional Registration Engineering homepage
Missouri Division of Professional Registration Engineer Intern webpage
Missouri Division of Professional Registration Engineer Intern Application
Missouri Division of Professional Registration Professional Engineer licensure webpage
Applicants for the Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year BS engineering degree and will also need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants will need board approval for their degree curriculum in order to receive a certificate. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum of a board curriculum approved 4-year BS engineering degree, take and pass both NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and have 4 years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Montana Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors licensure homepage
Montana Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors forms page
Montana State Regulations for Engineering Intern certification
Montana State Regulations for Professional Engineer licensure
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and must take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam. Applicants for the Professional Engineering license will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and have 4 years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects Engineering licensure homepage
State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects Engineer Intern certification information
State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects Professional Engineering license information
State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects Experience information
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for Professional Engineering license will need a minimum of a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, must take and bass both NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and need 4-years of verified work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
The Nevada Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
The Nevada Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Engineer Intern certification information
The Nevada Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Professional Engineering licensure information
Applicants for the Engineer-in-Training certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, have taken and passed both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and have 4-years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
New Hampshire Board of Engineers homepage
New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers Application Forms
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, submit 3 references of which one must be a licensed professional engineer, and to have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, have taken and passed both NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and have 4 years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more details.
New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers application webpage
Applicants for the Engineering Intern certification must have a 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree and have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. examination. Degrees will need to be approved by the New Mexico Board upon application. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering, take and pass the NCEES F.E. and P.E. examinations, and 4 years of verified engineering experience. Degrees will need New Mexico board approval upon application. Please see the websites below for more information.
New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors homepage
New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers licensure and certification information
New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors Regulations
Applicants for the Engineer Intern certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree (or a board approved regional non-accredited degree) and to have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass the F.E. and P.E. exams, and 4 year of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
New York Office of the Professions Engineering Licensure requirements
New York Office of the Professions Engineering laws and regulations
Applicants for Engineering Intern certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or a 4-year degree in a related science field approved by the North Carolina board, 3 references which one of the references comes from a professional licensed engineer, and taken and passed the NCEES F.E. examination prior to application. Applicants for Professional Engineer licensure need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or a 4-year degree in a related science field approved by the North Carolina board, take and pass the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and have 4 years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the website below for more information.
The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors homepage
The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors Engineer Intern information
The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors Professional Engineer information
The North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors Rules and Regulations
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year ABET accredited degree and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. If an applicant does not have an ABET accredited engineering degree they will need 4 years of work experience before applying for Engineer intern certification. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET accredited degree, will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exam, and will need four years of verified professional engineering work experience. If an applicant has a non-ABET accredited engineering degree they will need 8 years of experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
The North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
Applicants for the Engineering Intern certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. examination. If an applicant has a non-accredited 4-year engineering degree they will also need 4 years of engineering work experience along with passing the exam. Applicants for Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, will need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need 4 years of verified engineer work experience (at least one year of which shall have been under the supervision of a licensed engineer in the same branch of engineering for which licensure is desired). Applicants that have a non-accredited 4-year engineering degree will need 8 years of verified work experience as well as passing both exams. Please see the website below for more information.
Northern Mariana Islands Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board Regulations
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year ABET Accredited Engineering degree and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. The Ohio State Board will need to verify any degrees and F.E. exam results taken outside of Ohio for Engineer Intern certification. If an applicant does not have an ABET accredited degree they will need 4 years of verified engineering work experience prior to application. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need a 4-year ABET accredited degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and 4 years of verified engineering work experience. For applicants without an ABET accredited degree they will need 8 years of working experience prior to application and will need their degrees verified. Please see the websites below for more information.
Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors homepage
Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors licensing webpage
Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Exam Verification webpage
Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Qualification Regulations
Applicants for Engineering Intern certification need a 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree or a Master's earned from a school that offers ABET accredited programs, and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants that do not have ABET accredited 4-year degree will need to seek board approval for their degree program. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree, will need to take and pass both the NCESS F.E. and P.E. exams, and 4-years of verified work experience in the engineering field related to the degree. Applicants will need 5 work references and 3 of those references will need to be professional engineers in the field related to the degree. Please see the websites below for more information.
Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Applications pages
Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers Licensing information webpage
There are no direct qualifications listed for an applicant for the Engineer Intern certification. Students will need at least a 4-year BS Engineering degree and have taken and passed the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Students can follow instructions to apply for Engineer Intern certification and the Oregon Board will make their own evaluations and determinations. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and 4-years of verified engineering experience prior to application. The P.E. exam results will need to be verified and approved by the Oregon state board. Applicants will also need 5 references from individuals with knowledge of the Applicant’s technician work or engineering work, all five reference will need to complete a reference detail form provided b y the board. Please see the websites below for more information.
Oregon Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying homepage
Oregon Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying Engineer Intern application document
Oregon Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying Licensing regulations
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training needs 4-year ABET accrediting BS engineering degree, and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants without an ABEt accredited degree will need board approval to determine if the degree is equivalent. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need proof they have Engineer-in-Trainign certification status, an minimum 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree, will need to take and pass both NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need 4-years of verified engineering work experience prior to application. Please see the websites below for more information.
The Puerto Rico Department of State requires that applicants for the Engineer-in-Training certificate and Professional Engineer licensure an applicant must have an ABET acrredited 4-year degree and must have 3 references that are licensed in Puerto Rico that have direct and intimate knowledge of the applicants engineering education and experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Puerto Rico Department of State Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico Online Services webpage
Applicants will need an 4-year ABET accredited BS engineering degree (or an acceptable equivalent) (or a graduate degree in an engineering curriculum that is ABET-EAC accredited at the undergraduate level COUPLED WITH either a non-ABET BS degree in engineering, a BS degree in engineering technology, or a BS degree in a related science) and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. If your only degree is an engineering technology degree, you are not eligible for E.I.T certification in Rhode Island and you should not submit an application. Applicants for Professional Engineering licensure will need minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and 4 years of verified engineer work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Engineers homepage
Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Engineer application webpage
Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Engineer guidelines webpage
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training certification will need an ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam. Applicants for Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, will need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need to have 4-years of verified engineer work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
South Carolina Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors homepage
South Carolina Board of Registration for Engineer-in-Training instructions
South Carolina Board of Registration for Professional Engineers licensure information
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and will also need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineering licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exam, and 4 years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation-Engineering homepage
South Dakota Department of Labor Regulations-Engineer qualification see Pg. 14
Applicants for the Engineer Intern certification need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or a board-approved equivalent degree, and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineer licensure need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and 4-years of progressive engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Architects and Engineers homepage
Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Engineer Intern information
Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance Professional Engineer licensure information
Applicants for the Engineer-in-Training certification will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree and will need to submit their transcripts to the Texas State board for approval before an EIT certificate will be issued. Applicants will also need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need 4 years of verified engineering work experience prior to application. Please see the websites below for more information.
Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Engineer-in-Training information
Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Professional Engineer licensure
Utah does not currently have and Engineer-in-Training or Engineer Intern certification program. Applicants for Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS Engineering degree, will need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need 4 years of verified professional engineer work experience prior to application. TAC/ABET accredited degrees will not be accepted for professional engineer licensure. Please see the websites below for more information.
Applicants for Engineer Intern certification need a minimum 4-year ABET Accreditation BS engineering degree and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants with a non-ABET accredited degree will need to submit their transcripts for board approval, this step is no longer required for ABET accredited degrees. Applicants for Professional Engineer licensure need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree, take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and complete 4 years of verified professional engineering work experience prior to application. Please see the websites below for more information.
Vermont Office of Professional Regulation Engineer homepage
Vermont Office of Professional Regulation Engineer applications webpage
Vermont Office of Professional Regulation Engineer Regulations Engineer Intern
Does Not Meet
Applicants for professional engineering by exam need to be a resident of the Virgin Islands for 1 year prior to application and will also need board approval of education transcripts, or will already need to posses a Professional Engineer license in the United States to apply by reciprocity. Please see the website below for more information.
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training certification will need an 4-years ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or equivalent, all degrees will need to be verified by the state board through a verification form. Applicants will also need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum-years ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or equivalent, all baccalaureate degrees will need to be verified by the state board through a verification form even if the applicant has a graduate degree. Applicants will also need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. P.E. exams and will need to fill out a engineering work experience verification form to have experience evaluated by the board. Please see the websites below for more information.
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training in training will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or board evaluated equivalent and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam (for those with a non-ABET BS degree will need to have their transcripts evaluated by the board before being allowed to take the F.E. exam). Applicants for the Professional Engineering licensure will need 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or board evaluated equivalent, will need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and with an ABET Accredited degree will need 4 years of verified engineer working experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
Washington Board of Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors homepage
Washington Board of Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules and Regulations
Applicants for the Engineer Intern certification will need a 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or equivalent approved by the West Virginia state board and will also need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accredited BS engineering degree or equivalent approved by the West Virginia state board, will need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need 4-years of verified engineering work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers homepage
West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers: Engineer Intern information
West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers: Laws and Rules webpage
Applicants for Engineer-in-Training certification need a 4-year ABET Accreditation BS engineering degree or an equivalent approved by the Wisconsin board and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam. Applicants for the Professional Engineer licensure will need a minimum 4-year ABET Accreditation BS engineering degree or an equivalent approved by the Wisconsin board, will need to take and pass both the NCESS F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need a minimum 4 years of verified professional engineer work experience. Please see the websites below for more information.
State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services homepage
State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Regulations webpage
Wyoming is the home state for the University of Wyoming College of Engineering programs. Applicants for the Engineer Intern certification will need a ABET Accredited 4-year BS Engineering degree or an equivalent that meets the NCEES education standards, and will need to take and pass the NCEES F.E. exam prior to application. Applicants for the Professional Engineering licensure need a minimum ABET Accredited 4-year BS Engineering degree or an equivalent that meets the NCEES education standards, will need to take and pass both the NCEES F.E. and P.E. exams, and will need 4-years of verified professional engineer work experience. Please see the website below for more information.
Wyoming Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Applications webpage