Earn Your Geology Degree at UW

The geology degree program equips students with the scientific and technical skills needed to excel in a geosciences career. As undergraduates, students have access to research facilities, world-renowned faculty and unique hands-on courses to develop skills and knowledge they can use in their career and graduate programs.

Graduates have gone on to pursue secondary education and careers in many fields, including environmental sciences, energy and natural resources, water resources, natural hazards, national parks and government.

About the Geology Degree Program

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Geology have the unique opportunity to study the fundamentals of geology, earth processes, paleontology, geochemistry, geophysics and more! 

In addition to their coursework, students may complete undergraduate research, work with renowned professors and network with professionals.

Professor and two students looking at a rock in the field

Students pursing a geology degree must complete the following:

  • Core University of Wyoming coursework
  • All the following geology courses:
    • Geochemical Cycles and the Earth System
    • Introduction to Geophysics or Principles of Geophysics
    • Mineralogy
    • Introduction to Petrology
    • Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
    • Structural Geology and Tectonics
    • Intro to Geographic Information Systems
    • Field Course in Geology
    • Capstone
  • Core geology coursework
  • 20 credit hours of applied math and science
  • 22 additional hours in geology courses at 2000-level and above

Examples of courses you might take as a geology student at UW:

  • Geologic Hazards
  • Global Change
  • Earth and Mineral Resources
  • Geological Perspective on Energy
  • Geological Remote Sensing
  • Environmental Data Analysis
  • Geohydrology
  • Earth Surface Processes
  • Earth History
  • Physical Geology
  • Historical Geology
  • Water, Dirt and Earth's Environment

Additional Requirements
Grades of C or better are required for all courses used to satisfy program requirements.

View the full curriculum for the bachelor of science in geology degree program and our degree plan.

Professor and student in lab

This degree requires that The University Studies Program 2015 requirements are met before graduation. Some of the courses required for this major fulfill USP requirements, but not all. Students should check their degree evaluations and consult with their assigned academic advisor to discuss their specific course plan.

Additionally, it is important for you to confirm whether you meet the mathematical class pre-requisites.


Dinosaur skeleton in the Geological Museum

What can you do with geology bachelor's degree?

UW geology graduates pursue career paths in many fields, including environmental sciences, energy and natural resources, water resources, education, natural hazards, national parks and government.

Geology Jobs

Here are some of the geology job titles that graduates have held:

  • Geology Manager
  • Geologist 
  • Business Development Geologist
  • Professor of Geology
  • Project Coordinator
  • Senior Geologist
  • Petroleum Geologist


Two students in the field

Notable Alumni Employers

  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Wyoming State Geological Survey
  • BKV Corporation
  • Intrepid Potash
  • Encana Corporation
  • Shell

Many students additionally pursue further education and/or teaching opportunities. Here are a few of the places our geology graduates are making an impact:

  • Stanford University
  • University of Texas
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • University of New Mexico
  • North Arizona University
  • South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
  • University of Alaska Anchorage
  • Western State Colorado University
mountain logo

Geology Degree Program Highlights

At UW, the classroom is merely where your education begins. During your time as a geology major, you will have the opportunity to complete research projects, hone your problem-solving skills and learn from leaders in the field.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

At UW, we believe hands-on experience is the best way to learn. That’s why geology students have the opportunity to work with renowned faculty on field data acquisition, laboratory experiments and computational modeling. Students may choose to complete research in a variety of geology and geophysics specialties, including field data acquisition in mountain lakes and watersheds, laboratory analysis of rock samples, and computational modeling for Earth processes, paleontology, geochemistry and geophysics. Outside of undergraduate research, students have numerous opportunities for field trips and other hands-on learning projects. 

Networking Opportunities & Student Organizations

Throughout the geology degree program, students are encouraged to network with professional organizations and leaders in the field through on-campus clubs and career fairs. The Rocky Mountain Rendezvous is an annual career fair that is specifically organized for students interested in geosciences.

Students additionally have the opportunity to join the Geology Club to discuss science and participate in social activities. Students may also participate in student chapters of professional organizations, including the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).

Renowned Faculty

The Department of Geology and Geophysics includes 25 nationally and internationally recognized faculty members. In addition to being wonderful resources to our students, our faculty’s careers and research have garnered many honors and awards, including:

  • 4 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Awards
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and EAGE Junior Career Awards
  • Carnegie/CASE Professor of the Year
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) Division Director

Our faculty members have expertise in many fields of geoscience, including:

Surface and subsurface fluids
Sustainability; Mineral exploration
Geothermal energy
Water, climate, energy nexus
Environmental studies
Data science and artificial intelligence

Unique Courses

The Department of Geology and Geophysics prides itself on offering courses that provide students with unique and marketable skills.

Some of our unique courses include:

Geologic Hazards
Global Change
Earth and Mineral Resources
Geological Perspective on Energy
Geological Remote Sensing
Environmental Data Analysis
Structure and Tectonics
Earth Surface Processes

Scholarship Opportunities

The Department of Geology and Geophysics provides annual, merit-based scholarships to undergraduate students for research projects and conference travel. 

Research Facilities

Geology students have access to three UW research facilities managed by research scientists, including:

  • Analytical Geochemical Laboratory (AGL) 
  • Materials Characterization Laboratory (MCL)
  • The UW Near Surface Geophysics Instrument Center (UWNSG)

The UW Geological Museum has additionally been in existence for 125 years and has occupied its present space since the 1950s.

The Department of Geology and Geophysics offers nationally recognized undergraduate programs that represent a unique opportunity for students to learn fundamentals of geoscience through a complete and innovative coursework that includes traditional lectures, laboratory classes and field experiences in the state of Wyoming, the most beautiful outdoor classroom that a geoscientist could ever find.

- Dario Grana, Department Head

Contact Us

We're Eager to Help!

Department of Geology and Geophysics

1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071-2000

Phone: (307) 766-3386

Email: geol-geophys@uwyo.edu