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    Police Department

    University of Wyoming

    1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3124
    1010 E. Ivinson

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: 307-766-5179


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    UW Police Department

    Upon completion of his undergraduate degree at the University of Wyoming, Sergeant Josh Holland joined the University of Wyoming Police Department as an officer in 2012.

    In 2018, Chief Holland became an active shooter/threat response instructor through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s (FLETC) Active Shooter Threat Instructor Program. Additionally in 2022, Chief Holland became certified to instruct Run, Hide, Fight response curriculum through the Louisiana State University’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (LSU NCBRT/ACE).

    Chief Holland is certified and serves in other capacities and duties including:

    Less Lethal Tools/Tactics Instructor, 2016 Photo of Chief Holland
    Explosive Detection Canine Handler 2016-Present
    FLETC Basic Tactical Medical Instructor, 2017
    Laramie Special Response Team, 2018-Present
    Field Training Officer, 2019
    Sergeant Promotion, 2019
    FLETC Use of Force Instructor, 2022

    Sgt. Woods came to Laramie in 2010 and wrestled for the University of Wyoming. He graduated in 2015 from the UW with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Sgt. Woods joined the University of Wyoming Police Department in 2016.

    After joining the UWPD, he has received various certificates as an instructor to include the Run. Hide. Fight. Instructor Course provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The 40-hour course emphasized tactics to survive an active threat.

    Sgt. Woods has several other in-service certifications and duties including:

    Field Training Officer Certification, 2018 Photo of Sgt. Woods
    Gracie Survival Tactics Instructor, 2019
    WLEA Custody and Control Instructor, 2019
    Sergeant Promotion, 2021
    Wyoming Chemical Testing Senior Operator Instructor, 2021
    Laramie Special Response Team, 2021-Present
    Federal Law Enforcement Academy Use of Force Instructor, 2022

    Detective Vielhak joined the University of Wyoming Police Department in 2021, after previously serving at the Cheyenne Police Department. He is a UW graduate and earned his degree in Communication as well as Psychology. After starting in the patrol division, Det. Vielhak was assigned to the position of Detective in April 2022.

    Since 2018, Det. Vielhak has attended many Active Shooter/Threat Instructor courses and specializes in instructing a variety of topics, including: Community Active Threat Response, Basic Tactics, and Law Enforcement Response to Active Threats. In 2021 Detective Vielhak earned a certification to instruct “Run, Hide, Fight,” a civilian active threat response curriculum though Louisiana State University’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (LSU NCBRT/ACE.)

    Det. Vielhak has many other special assignments as well as certifications, including:

    Laramie Special Response Team (SRT) Photo of Det. Vielhak
    Crisis Intervention Team
    UWYO C.A.R.E.S
    Laramie Special Response Team, 2022-Present
    Stop the Bleed / Basic Life-saving Measures

    *Reference the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Curriculum:

    Contact Us

    Police Department

    University of Wyoming

    1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3124
    1010 E. Ivinson

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: 307-766-5179


    Find us on Facebook (Link opens a new window)