Wyoming Pathways from Prison
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5490
Email: kcodallo@uwyo.edu
Wyoming Pathways from Prison receives generous support from various organizations, without which we would not be able to expand high-quality educational services to Wyoming's current and former inmate population. We want to extend the deepest gratitude to our partners and supporters!
If you would like to discuss how you can assist us, please visit our Get Involved or Donate pages.
Microsoft Philanthropies provided a $15,000 grant in 2018 to provide honorarium to prison teachers, support technology improvements, and fund program development.
Awarded $10,000 to develop and teach multiple humanities courses to Wyoming inmates during 2018/2019 (awarded in 2018), and provided $2,000 to fund the purchase of instructional technology upgrades for Wyoming Department of Corrections classroom facilities (2017).
Awarded $2,000 to fund the purchase of instructional technology upgrades for the Wyoming Women's Center facility (Fall 2016); Awarded $5,000 to fund the research project “Pathways from Prison: A Needs Assessment Among Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Women.” (https://www.uwyo.edu/sjrc/)
University of Wyoming Summer Innovative Course Award provided $5,000 to cover travel and accommodation costs for 10 UW students to assist with teaching the “Telling My Story” memoir course at the Wyoming Women's Center correctional facility (Spring 2016).
Awarded $4,500 to cover expenses associated with the week-long Philosophy in Prison/Stoicism courses at the Wyoming State Penitentiary (2018), Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp (2017), and Wyoming Youthful Offender Program, where nearly 60 incarcerated students were joined by UW faculty and students for an exploration of philosophical principles and practices.
The Kaiser Foundation, through their Ethics Program, provided $3,000 to cover expenses for the Philosophy in Prison/Stoicism course taught at the Wyoming Women’s Center during the summer of 2018.
Provided two awards of $1,100 each to cover travel and hotel expenses for Tutorial Instruction at the Wyoming Women's Center in Lusk, WY (Summer 2017, Fall 2016). In this course women incarcerated at Wyoming Women's Center were trained in the principles and practices of tutoring and family literacy. (https://www.uwyo.edu/education/lrcc/)
Trust for the Meditation Process awarded a $2,000 grant to help fund an Introduction to Mindfulness class at the Wyoming Women’s Center during Fall 2018.
Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research awarded $2,000 to form a working group to help develop the Wyoming Pathways from Prison project (2015). (https://www.uwyo.edu/wihr/)
The Equipoise Fund provided $1,000 to hire an intern to support the work of WPfP over the 2018/2019 academic year.
Providing ongoing generous discounts on texts for prison education programs, including Wyoming Pathways from Prison.
*Support for Spring 2018 Financial Literacy class: Donne and Sue Fisher Mini Grant ($750); *Support for Fall 2017 Survival What Lies Within class: book purchases by the UW College of Education Dean's Office; *Support for Summer 2017 Tutorial Instruction: UW Department of Educational Studies, UW Department of Elementary & Early Childhood Education, UW Department of Gender and Women's Studies; *Support for Summer 2017 Stoic Camp: UW Community Service, Leadership, and Community Engagement (SLCE)
Wyoming Pathways from Prison
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5490
Email: kcodallo@uwyo.edu