WYNDD (Wyoming Natural Diversity Database) logo over mountain landscape

Our staff: Katrina Cook, Zoology Project Manager

Katrina Cook

Rm 315-J
307-766-3018 | kwoods3@uwyo.edu

September 2023 to present: Assists program managers with collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data on rare and sensitive animals across Wyoming.


B.S. Wildlife Conservation, Juniata College, May 2014.

M.S. Zoology and Physiology, Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming, August 2023. Thesis: Multi-Scale Habitat Selection and Breeding Pond Assessment of an Isolated Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) Population in Wyoming.

Research Interests

Habitat selection, herpetology, entomology, aquatic ecology, habitat quality, food web dynamics, conservation biology, and spatial analysis.






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