WYNDD (Wyoming Natural Diversity Database) logo over mountain landscape



Offering the most complete information for
species and habitats of conservation concern

Our Programs

Mission & Funding

At a Glance

The Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (WYNDD) is a member of a network of similar programs collectively known as the Natural Heritage Network. Each of the 50 US states, most Canadian provinces, and many Latin American countries house a network program dedicated to gathering and developing biological information on species of conservation concern and natural vegetation communities. Programs in the network use the same database methodology and software and receive technical support from a coordinating organization known as NatureServe. Most programs are housed in universities or state agencies; WYNDD operates as a service and research unit of the University of Wyoming.

WYNDD data, analyses, and staff expertise contribute to effective strategies of natural resource management and more efficient compliance with environmental regulations.



WYNDD offers the most complete data and information for species and vegetation communities of conservation concern in Wyoming. Our mission is threefold:

  • Identify and rank species that are priorities for conservation effort in Wyoming.
  • Consolidate existing data and develop new data for species and vegetation communities of concern.
  • Distribute these data upon request, under the philosophy that the best decisions regarding natural resources will be made only when everyone has access to complete and current scientific data.



About 25% of the cost of maintaining our central database and web applications is provided by the State of Wyoming via the biennial block grant to the University of Wyoming. WYNDD covers the remaining costs through data request fees, grants, contracts, and cost-share projects with our partners.


Contact Us

Berry Biodiversity Conservation Center, Suite 315

Phone number: 307-766-3023

Mailing address:

Wyoming Natural Diversity Database
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3381
Laramie, WY 82071

Shipping address (FedEx or UPS):

Wyoming Natural Diversity Database
16th & Gibbon St.
Dept. 3381
Laramie, WY 82071