Faculty Request Forms

Click the link below to access the request form:


Test Course Shell

Test shells are for testing purposes only and cannot be published. 

  • Request a Test Course Shell 
    Use this form to request a test course shell in WyoCourses. A test shell functions identically to a normal course in WyoCourses, but has no student enrollments and no start or end dates. You can use test shells to create courses in advance and export them later, test out different features, or even import current courses and make changes without editing your main course shell. You may request additional instructors be added to your shell with the Teacher, GA, or TA role.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Requesting non-UW Enrollments in a Test Shell
    To request that non-UW users are added into WyoCourses test shells, please send this form to create their accounts first to wyocourses@uwyo.edu .  Once the account is created, you will need to provide the person the password you set in this file, as well as a link to login (located under WyoCourses Login Page on the menu at https://www.uwyo.edu/wyocourses ) with instructions to choose “I DO NOT have a UW username”.  Once you have received notification that their account has been created, please use the Request Additional Users in an Existing Test Course shell link above to request their enrollments in your test shell. 


Blueprint Course

Blueprint Course
Use this form to request a Blueprint course in WyoCourses. More information about managing courses tied to blueprint shells can be found at https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-11662-4152759004

Delete Test Course Shell

Delete Test Course Shell
Use this form to request that a TEST course shell that you used in the past be deleted.

Incomplete Section

Request an Incomplete Section
Use this form to request a course section be set up for a student who has taken an Incomplete and needs to finish the course. You and the student will be enrolled in a special section in the course that will make the course behave as if it is active again. You will have access to all course materials, but you may have to reconfigure assignment due dates if you want the student to be able to submit assignments through WyoCourses.

Reset/Clear Course Content

Request Course Content be Reset/Cleared.
Use this form to request that the content or material in your course be reset/cleared. This means the content in your course will be deleted. This will make your course an empty WyoCourses shell. NOTE: This is for current semester course shells or future semester course shells ONLY.

Course Shell Size Increase

Request Course Size Increase
Use this form to request additional storage space in a course shell. Note that this form is not for WyoGroups shells. There is a separate form located on wyogroups.uwyo.edu to request extra space in a WyoGroups shell.

Combined (Crosslisted) Courses

Request a Combined (Crosslisted) Course
Use this form to request multiple course shells be combined (like they were crosslisted) into one course shell in WyoCourses. This will cause all combined sections to be in one course shell to view the same content.  Users will still be divided into sections based off of their original course, but will share a common shell in WyoCourses.
Please Note: If you combine courses into one course shell after you've assigned/graded assignments or quizzes in the semester, the submissions and grades will not copy over to the combined course shell. You will either need to download the gradebook before making this request and then enter the grades in the combined shell, or you will need to have the students resubmit assignments.

Concluded Course Access

Request Concluded Course Access
Use this form to provide another instructor with access to a course shell from a prior semester. This will allow them to view how your course was set up, including modules, assignments, and discussions. Please note this form is not intended for adding instructors to courses in the current semester. Those instructors should be added through the Supplemental Access page. Instructions on how to add users to the current semester are located under "Add Guest Instructors/TAs/GAs" on the side menu.

Reopen a Previous Course

Request a Previous Course be reopened
Use this form to request a course from the previous semester be reopened. You can only request that courses from the previous semester be reopened. For example, if the current semester is Summer 2018, then only Spring 2018 courses can be reopened.

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