Center for Business and Economic Analysis

Center for Business and Economic Analysis



The Center for Business and Economic Analysis (CBEA) supports the economic growth and diversification of Wyoming’s economy through applied economic and business analytics for communities, industries, and entrepreneurs who desire a thriving and prosperous Wyoming. The center was established in 2019 as a unit within the College of Business at the University of Wyoming. CBEA is a member of the Association for University Business and Economic Research (AUBER).


Our Expertise

University of Wyoming flag

The CBEA has experience in the areas of economic development, education economics, energy economics, and environmental economics, among others. In addition to the CBEA’s full-time staff, the center has access to the expertise of the skilled faculty in the department of economics, the college of business, and the university of Wyoming broadly. The CBEA mainly provides the following activities:

  • Amenities Valuation
  • Data Analytics
  • Economic and Fiscal Impact
  • Economic Modeling
  • Forecasting

Latest Projects

Wyoming's Economic Outlook Image     fremont    wind


Interested in working with us?

The CBEA’s mission is to serve Wyoming communities and to partner with businesses and stakeholders so we can collaboratively tackle challenges facing our state and leverage our combined resources to maximize opportunities. Click on the contact form button to let us know how we can help.