During their meeting last week the Board of Trustees approved changes to University Regulations 2-1 (Academic Personnel) and 2-7 (Procedures Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion and Fixed-Term). I have attached the regulations here, along with the narrative that was included in the Board packet. The narrative explains the overarching changes to the regulations. These regulations will go into effect July 1, 2019. At that time, the new versions of the regulations will be posted on General Council’s website (www.uwyo.edu/regs-policies/). You can also find them on the Trustees website at www.uwyo.edu/trustees/2019-meeting-materials/june_12_2019_meeting.html.
A few of the revisions to UW Regulations 2-1 and 2-7 will require processes to be in place and implemented during the next academic year. Below is a list that shows what elements will be in place effective July 1, 2019, and some of the elements that will require additional time to implement.
Effective July 1, 2019:
All new hires for AY 2019-20 will follow the newly revised UW Regulations 2-1 and 2-7.
All academic personnel will follow the newly revised annual review, reappointment, tenure and promotion procedures outlined in UW Regulation 2-7. Adjustments to the mid-probationary review schedule will be made for second-year tenure track faculty who were not scheduled for review in year 3 as a product of this academic year’s review cycle.
Effective July 1, 2020:
All current academic personnel on extended-term appointments will retain their current designation and rank for the duration of their extended-term. A request for change in designation may be made concurrent with the next fixed-term decision (i.e., at the end of their current extended term). Academic Affairs will provide instructions for position designation change requests prior to the RTP review.
A job description audit will be completed during Academic Year 2019-20 for all Academic Professionals to determine alignment of duties with designations in newly revised UW Regulation 2-1. If needed, adjustments to job descriptions or changes in designation will be implemented July 1, 2020 (for FY academic personnel) and Sept 1, 2020 (for AY academic personnel).
Following the job description audit, the probationary period for current academic personnel in Extended Term Track positions will be adjusted to correspond with the Fixed-Term Rolling Contract review schedule in the newly revised UW Regulation 2-7. These employees will receive a letter from the Office of Academic Affairs before the official start date of the Fall 2020 semester notifying them of their new review schedule.
Standard Administrative Policies and Procedures (SAPs) that will replace sections removed from UW Regulation 2-7 are currently being developed and will be routed through the internal vetting process (see www.uwyo.edu/regs-policies/_files/docs/policies_vetting-process.pdf). Existing language from the current Regulation will be used to inform practice, procedures and decisions that occur in the 2019-20 academic year. This summer, the Office of Academic Affairs will provide academic units with an instructional memo that contains the relevant sections from the current regulation.
Approved UW Regulation 2-1
Approved UW Regulation 2-7
Approval of Modifications to UW Regulations 2-1 and 2-7