Committee Members
Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee (UEGC)
- Kate Miller, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Anne Alexander, AVP for Undergraduate Education
- Sean Blackburn, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Jo Chytka, Director, Center for Advising and Career Services
- David Jewell, AVP for Budget and Institutional Planning
- Kyle Moore, AVP for Enrollment Management
Advising Redesign Action Group (ARAG)
- Anne Alexander, AVP of Undergraduate Education, Co Chair
- Jo Chytka, Director, ACES, Co Chair
- Michael Pishko, Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Derek Smith, Associate Professor and Director, Kiniseology and Health
- Michell Anderson, Senior Coordinator, Student Advising, College of Arts and Sciences
- Christi Thompson, Coordinator, Student Advising, College of Education
- Pam Henderson, Coordinator, Student Advising, School of Energy Resources
- Richard Miller, Associate Director, Advising, Career Services, and Exploratory Studies
- Bob Schuhmann, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- Aaron Courtney, Assistant Manager, Financial Services
- Craig Vaske, Manager, Student Advising, College of Health Sciences
- John Ritten, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Maria Almendares, Coordinator, Immigration Services, International Students and Scholars
- Paul Hesco, Project Coordinator, SEO/Student Support Services
- Michael Wade, Associate Director, SEO
- Kenya Johnson, Project Coordinator, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Nycole Courtney, Assistant Dean of Students
- Lynne Ipina, Professor of Mathematics
- Kris Brewer, Office Associate, Mechanical Engineering
- Lauri Bonini, Coordinator, Student Advising, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Denise Sheen, Manager, Academic Advising Office, College of Business
- Riki Suess, Director, English Language Center/Intensive Academic English Program
- Al Reiser, Assistant Athletics Director/Academic Services
- Richard Ward, Southeast Regional Center Coordinator
- Rudi Michalak, Senior Lecturer, Physics and Astronomy
- Lane Buchanan, Registrar
- Yue Kuang, UW Student
- Jeff Edgens, Dean, UW-Casper
- Rosalind Grenfell, Manager, Student Advising, UW Online Education and UW-Casper
- Leslie Rush, Associate Dean, College of Education
- Maggie Bourque, Lecturer, SENR
- April Heaney, Director, LeaRN and STEP
- Jason Baldwin, Athletics Academic Coordinator
- Taylor Stuemky, Director of Academic Services, Athletics
- Kelley Anderson, Athletics Academic Coordinator
- Steve Mitchell, Athletics Academic Coordinator
- Heather Warren, Office Associate, Chemical Engineering
Student Success Action Group (SSAG)
- Anne Alexander, AVP for Undergraduate Education, Co-Chair
- Kyle Moore, AVP for Enrollment Management, Co-Chair
- Mary Aguayo, Director of Transfer Relations and Transfer Success Center
- April Heaney, Director, LeaRN and STEP
- Ashlie Reese, Manager, Financial Services
- Conrad Chavez, Manager, Student Recruitment and Retention, Multicultural Affairs
- Corey Peacock, Assistant Director, RLDS
- Cynthia Hartung, Associate Professor, Psychology
- Frank Galey, Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Paula Lutz, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- Jasper Hunt, UW student
- Jean Garrison, Professor, School of Politics, Public Affairs, and International Studies
- Teena Gabrielson, Associate Professor, School of Politics, Public Affairs, and International
- Jen Chavez, Director, Information Technology
- Jess Wilford, Project Coordinator, LeaRN and STEP
- Jon Prather, Director and Associate Professor, Life Science program
- Matthew Painter, Associate Professor, Sociology
- Megan Selheim, Senior Project Coordinator, Dean of Students
- Steve Massei, Registrar's Office
- Robert Aylward, VP Information Technology
- Kelley Anderson, Athletics Academic Coordinator
- Lora Steele-Hicks, Marketing and Communications
- Pilar Flores, Director, SEO
- Sean Blackburn, VP Student Affairs
- Sue Koller, Director, Institutional Analysis
- Teddi Hofmann, Project Coordinator, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Reed Scull, Associate Professor
- Taylor Stuemky, Director of Academic Services, Athletics
Marketing and Communication Group (MCG)
- Chad Baldwin, Institutional Communications and Marketing, Co Chair
- Shelley Dodd, Admissions, Co Chair
- Ange De Wolf King, Assistant Director, Admissions
- Emily Edgar, Campus Relations Coordinator, Residence Life and Dining Services
- James Heitholt, Professor and Department Head, Plant Sciences
- John Mittelstaedt, Professor, Management and Marketing
- Keener Frye, Executive Director, Alumni Relations
- Kenya Johnson, Project Coordinator, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Kristin Landreville, Associate Professor, Communications and Journalism
- Pam Ten Eyck, Institutional Marketing and Communications
- Steve Russell, Director of Marketing and External Relations, College of Business
- Jenny Petty, Institutional Marketing and Communications
- Lisa Sherrodd, Institutional Marketing and Communications
- Mary Katherine Scott, Global Engagement Office
Orientation and Onboarding Group (OOG)
- Jo Chytka, Director, Advising, Career Services, and Exploratory Studies – Chair
- Conrad Chavez, Manager, Student Recruitment and Retention, Multicultural Affairs
- Aaron Courtney, Assistant Manager, Financial Services
- Nick Moore, Advisor, UW-Casper
- Amy Fenolia, Associate Director, Admissions
- Becky Despain, Coordinator, Student Advising, Advising, Career Services, and Exploratory
- Ben Herdt, Coordinator, Student Advising, Advising, Career Services, and Exploratory
- Brenda Lundblad, Office Associate, Communications Disorders
- Erin Hungerman, Assistant Director, Residence Life and Dining Services
- Jennifer Kirk, Assistant Director, Wyoming Union
- Jill Johnson, Director, International Students and Scholars Office
- Kathy Bobbit, Director of Student Financial Aid
- Katie Watson, Assistant Director, Admissions
- Kerry Casper, Staff Assistant, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Kristi Russow, Project Coordinator, SEO/EOC
- Lauri Bonini, Manger of Student Advising, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Mark Lyford, Special Assistant to the AVP/Undergrad Education, Assessment
- Meg Flanigan Skinner, Coordinator, First Year Seminar
- Miguel Rosales, Summer, Winter, and Special Sessions, Registrar
- Pat Moran, Director, Campus Recreation
- Pam Henderson, Coordinator, Student Advising, School of Energy Resources
- Nycole Courtney, Assistant Dean of Students
- Richard Ward, Southeast Regional Center Director
- Ryan Goeken, International Student Recruiter, International Students and Scholars
- April Heaney, Director, LeaRN and STEP
- Rian Rabideau, Associate Director, Residence Life and Dining Services
Student Data Group (SDG)
- Mary Aguayo, Director of Transfer Relations, Chair
- Amy Schmidt, Office Associate, Central Regional Center
- Carrie Gose, Associate Director, Student Financial Aid
- Christy Oliver, Associate Director, Admissions
- Chuck Mason, Professor, Economics
- Jan Adair, Business Analyst, Administration
- Jeff Edgens, Dean, UW-Casper
- Jonathan Klinker, Systems Specialist, Information Technology
- Ken Gerow, Professor, Statistics
- Leslie Rush, Associate Dean, College of Education
- Michael Wade, Associate Director, SEO
- Richard Miller, Associate Director, Advising, Career Services and Exploratory Studies
- Phil Wille, Senior Associate Athletics Director
- Ruben Gamboa, Professor, Computer Science
- Sue Koller, Director, Institutional Analysis
Transfer Student Group (TSG)
- Mary Aguayo, Director of Transfer Relations and Transfer Success Center, Chair
- Michell Anderson, Senior Advising Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences
- Ange De Wolf King, Assistant Director, Admissions
- Becky Despain, Coordinator, Student Advising, Advising, Career Services, and Exploratory
- Christi Thompson, Manager, Student Advising, College of Education
- Dawn Kiesel, Northeast Regional Center Coordinator
- Denise Jairell, Associate Director, Student Financial Aid
- Jayne Pearce, Online Education
- Kerry Casper, Staff Assistant, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Kris Brewer, Office Associate, Mechanical Engineering
- Kristi Russow, Project Coordinator, SEO/EOC
- Lisa Harsh, Northwest Regional Center Coordinator
- Lynne Ipina, Professor, Mathematics
- Nycole Courtney, Assistant Dean of Students
- Richard Ward, Southeast Regional Center Coordinator
- Rosalind Grenfell, Manager, Student Advising, UW Online Education and UW-Casper
- Steve Barrett, Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Stevee Jones, Coordinator, Student Advising, Petroleum Engineering
- Gwen Cotterman, Coordinator, Student Advising, SEO/SSS
- Erin Pueblitz, Assistant Director, Wyoming Union
- Danielle Mahlum, Registrar's Office