Committee Charge Summaries
*Meeting frequency: These groups will serve on a continuous basis and convene as necessary beginning
in March until strategic objectives are achieved. It is anticipated that 45-60 minute
meetings will be held every week by these groups to plan, troubleshoot, evaluate,
and make quick course-corrections.
Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee (UEGC)*
- Chair: Provost Kate Miller
- UEGC committee charge
Committee is full
- Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee has oversight responsibility for the
successful implementation of the University’s strategic goals for undergraduate enrollment.
The committee will have decision-making authority for implementing policies and initiatives.
This committee will review information and recommendations received from the other
groups and holds the final authority for adopting or implementing specific initiatives
or practices. The Governance Committee will also play a leadership role in ensuring
adequate progress toward the goals of the Strategic Enrollment Initiative.
Student Success Action Group (SSAG)*
- Co-Chair: Anne Alexander - Academic Affairs
- Co-Chair: Kyle Moore - Academic Affairs
- SSAG committee charge
- Committee is full
- Student Success Action Group (SSAG) will, using predictive analytics, monitor different
student populations for academic risk and deploy appropriate interventions. These
are expected to improve the onboarding and registration process for all undergraduate
students, and enhance retention and persistence. SSAG will respond with ideas, tactics,
and data related to orientation, registration, academic capacity, course planning,
registration technology and other areas aimed to improve student success and retention.
It will coordinate with the other groups outlined below SSAG will then present options
to the Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee for action.
Advising Redesign Action Group (ARAG)*
- Chairs: Anne Alexander - Academic Affairs, Jo Chytka - ACES
- ARAG committee charge
- Committee is full
- Advising Redesign Action Group (ARAG) will recommend strategies and tactics that will
implement the redesigned professional advising system for undergraduate students recommended
by the Advising Design Rapid Response Team delivered in Fall of 2016. ARAG will evaluate
ideas, tactics, technology, and data related to advising for first-time, full-time
students and continuing students, work with the Transfer Team on transfer advising
issues, and identify and trouble-shoot other areas related to advising with the aim
to improve student success and retention. ARAG will then present options or recommendations
to the Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee for action.
Advisory Groups
Orientation and Onboarding Group (OOG)*
- Chair: Jo Chytka - ACES
- OOG committee charge
- Committee is full
- Orientation and Onboarding Advisory Group (OOG) will recommend strategies and tactics
to support a smooth transition for students to the university. The committee will
provide information and recommendations on processes related to application, recruitment,
and enrollment of first time full time freshmen as well as programming related to
orientation and transition into the university including the freshmen year experience.
OOG will then present options or recommendations to the Undergraduate Enrollment
Governance Committee for action.
Student Data Group (SDG)*
- Chair: Mary Aguayo - Transfer Relations
- SDG committee charge
- Committee is full
- Student Data Group (SDG) will recommend strategies and tactics that support users
in planning for onboarding, advising, course planning and sequencing for degree programs
and colleges, and other areas related to improving student success and retention .
This will build on data and analysis from WyoCloud and other sources. SDG will then
present options or recommendations to the Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee
for approval.
Transfer Student Group (TSG)*
- Chair: Mary Aguayo - Transfer Relations
- TSG committee charge
- Committee is full
- Transfer Student Group. (TSG) will build on the report of the Transfer Success Team
delivered in Fall 2016 and will recommend strategies and tactics to support a seamless
transition for transfer students. TSG will respond with ideas, tactics, technology,
and data related to transfer pipeline development, recruiting, admissions and intake
processing, onboarding, transition, and success, and identify and trouble-shoot other
areas related to improving transfer student success and retention. TSG will then present
options or recommendations to the Undergraduate Enrollment Governance Committee for
Marketing and Communications Group (MCG)*
- Chairs: Chad Baldwin - Institutional Marketing, Shelley Dodd - Admissions
- MCG committee charge
- Committee is full
- Marketing and Communications Group (MCG) will recommend strategies and tactics to
advance UW’s marketing and communication and website to enhance student recruitment,
retention, and success. . MCG will present options or recommendations to the Undergraduate
Enrollment Governance Committee for approval.