Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071
The Barnyards & Backyards Team is a group of individuals from various agencies who strive to: "To foster a culture of stewardship among small acreage land managers by promoting sustainable practices which enhance the ecological, economic and social aspects of the land and its people.
University of Wyoming Extension
UW Extension is a major educational outreach arm of the University of Wyoming, serving
the people of Wyoming by helping them apply unbiased, scientific knowledge to improve
their lives. UW Extension partners with county, state, and federal governments to
better serve the public.
Wyoming State Forestry Division
The Wyoming State Forestry Division is charged with the management, protection, and
improvement of all forest interests and matters pertaining to forestry within the
State of Wyoming. The Division is responsible for the management of 270,000 acres
of forested state trust lands in the state, along with direct fire protection responsibilities
for 3.6 million acres of state land.
Wyoming Conservation Districts
Wyoming Conservation Districts provides leadership for the conservation of Wyoming's
soil and water resources, promotes the control of soil erosion, promotes and protects
the quality of Wyoming's waters, reduce siltation of stream channels and reservoirs,
promote wise use of Wyoming's water, and all other natural resources, preserve and
enhance wildlife habitat, protect the tax base and promote the health, safety and
general welfare of the citizens of this state through a responsible conservation ethic.
Wyoming Weed and Pest Council
The Wyoming Weed & Pest Council is comprised of 23 Weed & Pest districts in the State
of Wyoming. One of the main goals of the Council is to provide coordination and leadership
in the fight against designated and declared noxious weeds & pests and invasive species
in the State of Wyoming.
Audubon Rockies
Audubon Rockies has been conserving wildlife and wildlands in Wyoming for almost a
decade. As a regional office of the National Audubon Society, we encompass its mission
and explore conservation challenges unique to Wyoming. It is our mission to cultivate
the culture of conservation in Wyoming focusing on birds, wildlife, and wildlands,
by developing grassroots science, education and policy programs for the benefit of
present and future generations.
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Since 1935, the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service has provided leadership
in a partnership effort to help America's private land owners and managers conserve
their soil, water, and other natural resources.
Wyoming Department of Agriculture
The Wyoming Department of Agriculture assists the citizens of Wyoming to live safe
and healthy lives, promote and preserve our agricultural community, be responsible
stewards of our natural resources, and achieve integrity in the marketplace.
Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071