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    Basile Lab

    Basile Research Group

    Franco Basile, Ph.D., Principal Investigator

    Dept 3838

    Department of Chemistry

    Department of Chemistry

    University of Wyoming

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Office (307) 766-4376

    Laramie, WY 82071


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    insect metabolomics and proteomics

    We use untargeted metabolomics LC-MS/MS to discover biomolecules in bumble bees characteristic with different phenotypes and genotypes. Our untargeted metabolomics protocol implements a biphasic metabolite extraction protocol followed by a stacked-injection of the two phases onto a single RP-LC column (analysis with an ESI-quadrupole-Orbitrap-MS/MS system; Q-Exactive HF-XTM, Thermo).

    The OPLS score plot and S-plot were obtained from the untargeted metabolomics analysis of worker bees descending from two different wild queen bumblebees (from Oregon and California, respectively), with both populations of worker bees reared under identical laboratory conditions. A set of unique metabolites (cryoprotectants) were tentatively identified in the Oregon worker bees (i.e., higher altitude, lower temperatures).



    Funding: NSF-EPSCoR RII Track-2 FEC: Insect Cryobiology and Ecophysiology (ICE) Network: integrating genomics, physiology, and modeling, PI: Julia Bowsher(NDSU), co-PI's: Michael Dillon (UW), Kendra J Greenlee (NDSU), Giancarlo Lopez-Martinez (NDSU), Joseph P Rinehart (USDA/ARS); (Science Team at UW: Franco Basile and Daniel Rule)

    For more information about the ICE network click here


    GC-MS metabolomics of Megachile pupa stages: prepupa (PP), red-eyed (RE) and Melanized.Megachile pupa stage metabolomics

    Contact Us

    Basile Lab

    Basile Research Group

    Franco Basile, Ph.D., Principal Investigator

    Dept 3838

    Department of Chemistry

    Department of Chemistry

    University of Wyoming

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Office (307) 766-4376

    Laramie, WY 82071


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