A Gentle Introduction to Quantum Computing

October 17, 2017

This​ informal​ presentation​ will​ be​ an​ introduction​ to​ the​ subject​ of​ quantum​ computing​ and​​ its​​ various implementations.​ This​ is​​ a highly​ multidisciplinary​ ​subject,​ drawing​ from​ many​ aspects​ of​ physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.​ However, much of quantum computing can be comprehended simply on the basis of linear algebra. Quantum computing offers the possibility of quickly computing answers to larger problems than are currently
feasible.​ Questions such as these will be addressed in the talk:

  • Will it be possible to factor a 200-digit number in less than one minute? If so, current cryptographic methods will no longer be secure.
  • Will it be possible to develop an algorithm to solve very large instances of the traveling salesman problem?

About the speaker. Dr. Mark W. Coffey is a physics professor at the Colorado School of Mines who
performs research in both mathematics and physics, including quantum computing. He has given
numerous talks to a variety of audiences on engineering, science, and mathematical subjects. He
teaches selected topics in physical science, mathematics, and engineering. He holds two doctorates, one
in mathematics from New York University, and the other in theoretical physics from Iowa State University.
He has also been a Fulbright Specialist scholar who has given multiple presentations abroad.
He believes in connecting with community and communicating recent (and not so recent!) scientific advances.



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