Contact Us

CxC // LeaRN
Coe 111A // Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82070
Phone: 307.223.2082

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CxC supports, values, and celebrates writing and communication improvement throughout and beyond the curriculum, by integrating (1) expert support for student writers, (2) professional development opportunities to support faculty as writers and teachers of communication, (3) research about communication successes, impacts, and opportunities at UW, and (4) broad efforts to promote a culture of communication across campus. We aim to produce strong, successful, and flexible communicators through direct support (consulting), indirect support (improved teaching), and culture change.


GOAL 1: Provide substantial individualized support for writers across campus

  • Increase overall usage rates for CxC and UW Writing Center services, both for students and faculty, by increasing use of existing services as well as by identifying and pursuing innovative opportunities to extend our reach.
  • Deepen tutor expertise for supporting specific groups of communicators, including science/STEM students, international students, graduate students, and potentially off-campus students.

GOAL 2: Support faculty as writers and instructors of writing and communication (primarily through workshops and learning communities)

  • Establish a coherent, ongoing plan for faculty development activities.
  • Expand materials and resources to support instructors’ communication assignments and pedagogies.

GOAL 3: Encourage research and inquiry into the impacts of communication-related activities at UW, including the assessment of UW’s required USP 2015 communication- intensive (COM) courses

  • Identify short- and long-term research projects that contribute to understanding of CxC at UW as well as to broader scholarly conversations about impacts of writing/communication on student learning and engagement.

GOAL 4: Foster a general culture of writing and communication on campus.

  • Create and support opportunities to showcase faculty and student communication efforts.
  • Study and support communication and communication instruction beyond traditional classroom spaces.
  • Pursue and maintain collaborations in support of student writing and communication.
  • Foster dialogue among campus stakeholders about the nature, needs, and aims of teaching and learning related to writing and communication.


Contact Us

CxC // LeaRN
Coe 111A // Dept. 3334
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82070
Phone: 307.223.2082

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