
Wyoming Rural Teacher Corps


W(h)y a Rural Teacher Corps?

Teaching in rural communities provides many uniques opportunities and challenges for early career teachers. The Wyoming Rural Teacher Corps (WyRTC) provides preservice teachers with mentorship and instruction on how to thrive in Wyoming's rural schools. 
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WyRTC members gain knowledge and skills to prepare them to teach in a rural setting.


The Cohort:
  • Learns about place-based education and identifies teaching/learning assets of rural communities

  • Travels across the state to see rural teaching in action and test their skills

  • Asks questions and engages in conversation with a cohort of mentors and peers to limit fears and build confidence

Real Life Experience

The WyRTC offers great hands-on opportunities to connect with Wyoming and its rural schools.Cohort members:

  • Tour rural schools and talk to administrators and teachers

  • Stay in Grand Teton National Park and experience place-based education models used in rural communities

  • Teach STEM night at a rural school

  • Present at a capstone fair

  • Connect with active rural teacher mentors to ask questions and receive guidance
 Real Life Experience

Get More Information and/or Join the WyRTC Team

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Join the team

If you are a rural teacher and interested in becoming one of our rural mentors, please send us an email.

WyRTC members receive a $1500 stipend, as well as gain skill, new experience, and make lifetime connections. We accept new cohort applications until late August through early September.

If you are interested in joining our cohort of preservice teachers, becoming a mentor teacher, or would like more information please reach out to our contacts. 

Want more information about joining the Year 1 Wyoming Rural Teacher Corps cohort?

Apply for the 2024-2025 Wyoming Rural Teacher Corps


Alison Mercier |

Leslie Cook |




Contact Us

1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3374
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-3145

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