Aedeagus. The principal part of the penis or intromittent organ. In Melanopli it lies beneath the pallium.
Anal area of tegmen. The hind or posterior part of tegmen.
Annulus. A circular, transverse band.
Apex. The terminal portion of an organ or a part of the body.
Apical. At or near the apex.
Basal. At or near the base.
Bilobate. Divided into two lobes.
Carina (pl., carinae). A keel or ridge.
Cercus (pl., cerci). An appendage on each side of the male genitalia.
Clavate. Clubbed, having a thickened distal portion.
Costal. Referring to the anterior portion of any wing.
Cristate. Having a prominent carina or crest.
Disk of pronotum. The central upper surface of pronotum.
Disk of wings. Portion of the hindwings within the margins or within the wing band when present.
Distal. Toward the free end of an appendage; that part of an appendage farthest from the body.
Ensiform. Sword or pennant-shaped; wide at base narrowing to a point at apex.
Fasciate. Banded.
Fastigium. The anterior portion of the top of the head.
Ferruginous. Resembling iron rust in color.
Filiform. Slender, thread-like.
Foveola (pl., foveolae). A small depression.
Front. Upper, forward part of head.
Frontal costa. The broad vertical ridge on the front of the head.
Furcula. Paired or forked appendages at base of dorsal portion of male genitalia.
Fuscous. Color of dark brown approaching black.
Griseous. Of a light color, mottled with black or brown.
Hirsute. Hairy.
Hyaline. Transparent and glassy.
Incrassate. Thickened or swollen.
Lateral lobes of pronotum. The vertical sides of the pronotum.
Maculate. Spotted.
Macropterous. With well developed organs of flight.
Medial. Situated in or closest to the middle.
Median area of tegmina. The middle part of tegmina.
Mesosternal lobes. The paired separated posterior areas of the mesosternum.
Mesosternum. The ventral plate of the mesothorax between and in front of the bases of the middle pair of legs.
Metazona. The portion of the pronotal disk behind the principal sulcus.
Obsolete. Indistinct or absent.
Ocellus (pl., ocelli). A small, simple eye. Grasshoppers have three ocelli.
Outer margin of wing. The margin between apex and anal angle.
Ovipositor. The valved structure at the end of the female abdomen.
Pallium. An erectile membrane partially closing the open cavity formed by the walls of the subgenital plate in Melanopli.
Pautherine. Spotted like a panther.
Pellucid. Transparent whether clear or colored.
Preapical. In front of.
Prosternal spine. The cone or tubercle between the front legs in some Orthoptera.
Prosternum. The lower or ventral surface of the prothorax.
Proximal. That part of an appendage closest to the body.
Prozona. The anterior part of the pronotal disk, lies in front of the principal sulcus.
Quadrate. Resembling a square; includes a rectangular space.
Ruga (pl., rugae). A wrinkle.
Rugose. Wrinkled.
Sclerite. Any piece of the insect body wall bounded by sutures.
Shoulder. The lateral angles of the metazona of the pronotum.
Spatulate. Round and broadened apically.
Spine. A multicellular more or less thornlike process or outgrowth of the integument not separated from it by a joint.
Spur. A spine-like appendage of the cuticula connected to the body wall by a joint. Spurs of the hind tibiae located at the distal end of this organ. Also a fuscous area of wing extending toward base.
Sternite. A ventral division of a segment.
Stridulating rasp. A file-like ridge used in stridulating.
Styliform. Long and slender.
Sub-. Latin prefix meaning under, almost, or somewhat.
Subgenital plate. The large, terminal sclerite underlying the genital organs.
Submarginal band. A dark band crossing the hind wings.
Sulcus (pl., sulci). A groove.
Supraanal plate. A triangular sclerite covering the anus from above.
Tectate. Roof-like, sloping from a median ridge.
Tegmen (pl., tegmina). The front wings of Orthoptera.
Tessellate. Adorned with mosaic, checkered.
Testaceous. Dull red or brownish yellow.
Vertex. Top of head.
Wing. The hindwing in Orthoptera.
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