Choose your floor! UW offers First-Year Interest Groups and Living Learning Communities where you have a chance to share classes with your neighbors. Floor communities include fun activities that are designed with your interest in mind, and some floors with required courses offer a chance to get to know a professor who sponsors the floor.
Form long-lasting friendships and gain study skills from ready-made study groups of like-minded peers. Instead of making your way through those first research papers, final exams, and study sessions alone, you'll be part of a community of learners, yet you'll maintain the flexibility to be independent, too.
By joining a floor with required coursework, you are guaranteed a spot in your courses before they fill up. Some courses fill quickly, but students on FIG floors need not worry about not getting the classes they wanted.
You can select your Residence Life floor through our Floor Selection Form or when you complete your Housing Application.
Living Learning Communities with required classes are designed to meet University Studies (general education) requirements, so even if you decide on a completely different major, most of the courses will still satisfy courses required of all students.
While some floors may have recommended courses or no courses associated with the location, FIGs are LLCs that include required courses. Acceptance into a UW FIG provides you early enrollment in the courses (which are often in high demand), access to special study groups and tutorials, and a range of cultural and recreational activities designed to make your first-year experience at the University of Wyoming especially purposeful and educational.
In return, participants are responsible for not removing any courses associated with the FIG. Students are encouraged to place a high priority on academic pursuits and make good use of the special opportunities and services available to them. Participants will be responsible for creating and maintaining an environment in classes and the residence hall that supports the purposes of the program.
Please note:
Dept. 3334 | 1000 E. University Ave. | Laramie, WY 82071 | Phone: 307-766-2325 |