Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources
Bim Kendall House
804 E Fremont St
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 766-5080
Fax: (307) 766-5099
Email: haub.school@uwyo.edu
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) recognizes that ozone levels in the Upper Green River Basin are elevated and has recommended to the Environmental Protection Agency an "Ozone Nonattainment Area" in Sublette, Lincoln and Sweetwater counties. This designation requires federally mandated actions be taken.
During episodic winter ozone conditions, ozone levels are reported to be high enough to pose potential risks to human health. Along with efforts to reduce emissions of ozone precursors, measures have been taken to increase and improve monitoring, research and public information. The WDEQ is continuing to work on plans to lower ozone precursor levels, as well as engage the public on solving critical air quality issues.
WDEQ has a number of regulatory, technical and voluntary efforts underway to work
toward a resolution of ozone issues. There still remains an opportunity: citizen efforts
to recommend creative and innovative solutions for reducing ozone levels in the Upper
Green River Basin.
The purpose of the Upper Green River Basin Air Quality Citizens Advisory Task Force is to consider and advise on potential solutions to reduce ozone. It will accomplish this through mutual education; increasing transparency in process; fostering communication among citizens, the WDEQ, other governmental agencies and other stakeholders; and coordinating information between governmental agencies.
The Task Force is an advisory group convened by WDEQ that reports its recommendations to the WDEQ. Recommendations generated by the Task Force will be considered at the discretion of the WDEQ. The Task Force may elect to identify solutions through other efforts that fall outside of the scope of the WDEQ's authority.
Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources
Bim Kendall House
804 E Fremont St
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 766-5080
Fax: (307) 766-5099
Email: haub.school@uwyo.edu