Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources
Bim Kendall House
804 E Fremont St
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 766-5080
Fax: (307) 766-5099
Email: haub.school@uwyo.edu
With our expertise in storytelling, graphic design, video production, publishing, and outreach, we bridge complicated science and policy understanding generated at academic and research institutions to the people who are working with natural resources on the ground. We also help agencies, organizations, and offices develop outreach materials to help the public better understand their work on complex environmental issues.
From collaborative process recommendations and conference proceedings to toolkits, poll results, and natural resource assessments, our publications library encompasses all our public-facing work. Short, accessible, summaries, primers, and bulletins are the perfect avenue to better understanding the Haub School's work and various new tools and ideas that can help move the needle on complex environmental challenges.
View our publications library →
Our annual magazine explores natural resource science and management in the West, with each issue themed around a specific challenge like conserving working landscapes or invasive species. A range of articles tell the stories of new research informing how we understand environmental challenges and new management approaches employing that understanding on the ground.
Haub School faculty conduct a range of scholarly activities including research, legal analysis, and creative work to inform and advance the understanding of complex environmental and natural resource issues. Our one-page briefs highlight key elements of the peer-reviewed scholarship coming out of the Haub School and give stakeholders access to sound information.
Wild and Working Lands Film FestivalThe Wild and Working Lands Film Festival explores the intricate connections between humans and the landscapes where we dwell, work, and play. We are especially interested in films that inspire audiences to better understand our current world and work toward a future where people and natural environments prosper together. |
A Youth Vision for 2030: Imagining Wyoming's FutureIn partnership with the Wyoming Humanities Council, Wyoming 2030, the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance, and the UW Creative Writing Program, the Ruckelshaus Institute holds a writing a multimedia narrative contest that asks young people in Wyoming to imagine life in 2030 if all of their dreams for the state came true. Three winners and seven honorable mentions are published in an inaugural anthology, available online and in print. |
Deer 139The Ruckelshaus Institute and the Monteith Shop produced a feature-length documentary film titled "Deer 139." Using adventure and humor as the hook, the film shares new scientific understanding about how mule deer interact with their landscapes that is being generated in the Monteith Shop, a research lab in the Haub School. |
WY Open Spaces InitiativeThe Wyoming Open Spaces Initiative is a long-term project designed to support working landscapes for agriculture, wildlife, and sustainable communities through applied research, information, education, and community-based decision making. The initiative is a collaborative effort of the Ruckelshaus Institute, the Wyoming Geographic Information Center, the Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, the Department of Geography, University of Wyoming Extension, and the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database. |
Natural Resource Condition AssessmentsThe Ruckelshaus Institute and the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database recently completed a multi-year process of creating Natural Resource Condition Assessments for four western National Park Service units: Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Scotts Bluff National Monument, and Badlands National Park. The NRCAs assess current conditions for important natural resources, identify data gaps, and describe factors influencing park resource conditions. By synthesizing and contextualizing the best available science on everything from air and water quality to plant and animal populations, the reports provide park managers and the public with information to plan for the future of our nation’s parks. Fort Laramie National Historic Site NRCA → |
Ruckelshaus Institute Communication FellowshipThe Ruckelshaus Institute Communication Fellowship is a semester-long program that gives artists the opportunity to collaborate with Ruckelshaus Institute editors, writers, researchers, and scientists, to develop new content that promotes the appreciation and understanding of scientific research and environment and natural resource scholarship, and its application to public audiences. |
Pole Mountain Road System VideosAs part of a project to help the Laramie Ranger District of the Medicine Bow National Forest solicit public input on their road planning process for the Pole Mountain Unit, we scripted, shot, edited, and published five short videos. These show Forest Service staff members describing how the road system on this popular forest unit interacts with the surrounding ecosystem, and lets them describe in their own voices the types of public input they were looking for. This was just one piece of the larger project, which included Ruckelshaus Institute Collaborative Solutions staff organizing and hosting four public meetings and using other tools to gather public input to inform the road planning process. |
Sage Grouse Fence Marker Outreach MaterialsThe Medicine Bow Conservation District contracted the Ruckelshaus Institute to produce a poster and brochure to raise awareness and help landowners and conservation groups create inexpensive fence markers to reduce sage grouse mortality. |
Energy Mitigation InitiativeEnergy has long been the cornerstone of Wyoming’s economy. Also important to the Wyoming way of life are iconic wildlife species that contribute recreational, economic, and aesthetic values to the state. The Ruckelshaus Institute is synthesizing and evaluating current wildlife mitigation practices to better understand the range of mitigation options available and is contributing to a better understanding of mitigation options, successes, and challenges. |
Our Future Forests: Beyond Bark BeetlesThe Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests contracted the Ruckelshaus Institute to produce public outreach materials that would help forest visitors understand the bark beetle outbreak. In partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, we produced ten short films exploring how the bark beetle outbreak affects fire, water, recreation, and other aspects of the forest. We also hosted public meetings to inform the public about bark beetle issues and published an annotated bibliography of bark beetle research, which we distributed to forest managers in the Rocky Mountain region. |
Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources
Bim Kendall House
804 E Fremont St
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 766-5080
Fax: (307) 766-5099
Email: haub.school@uwyo.edu