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College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416

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2024 News

The Firearms Research Center brings together experts on topics related to firearms and the second amendment. Firearms Research Center at UW Receives Major Gift from Legal Expert

The Firearms Research Center at the University of Wyoming College of Law recently received a generous gift from Joseph Olson, a professor emeritus of law at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minn.

John Leshy Leading Natural Resources Scholar to Speak on Public Lands

John Leshy, author of Our Common Ground: A History of America’s Public Lands, will be the keynote speaker for the annual Trelease Dinner October 18 for Law Week 2024.

Frank and Barbara Mendicino Mendicinos Named Homecoming Grand Marshals

Frank practiced law and served in the Wyoming House of Representatives and as Wyoming Attorney General.

Grand Opening: University of Wyoming’s New College of Law Building is Open

The Alan K. Simpson Center for Clinical and Experiential Learning is aptly named after legendary Alan Simpson, a former U.S. senator, Wyoming politician and lawyer.

Randall Luthi, distinguished alumus UW to Honor Distinguished Law Alumnus During Homecoming

Luthi’s first job after law school was as a legislative assistant to U.S. Sen. Alan Simpson.

Ethan Paddison Ethan Paddison Awarded Salt Creek Energy Excellence Scholarship

A Class-V kayaker and top law student from Louisiana and Colorado is the 2024-25 College of Law Salt Creek Scholar. Ethan Paddison says his passion lies at the intersection of law, energy, and environmental stewardship.

Miles Gilbert and Hailey Morton Gilbert, Morton Named Brimmer Scholars

Morton and Gilbert exemplify how service to the larger legal community often begins during law school.

Image from The New Yorker magazine. New Yorker Article Features McLane's Efforts to Expand Rights for Young Adults

The Wyoming state constitution provides basis for McLane's legal petition.

Jill Higham Law Alumna is New UW Foundation Senior VP

Higham began her career in development at the UW College of Law.

Jared Lange Law Student Argues Case before Wyoming Supreme Court

Recent graduate Jared Lange was part of the Prosecution Assistance Program’s two-day summer intensive in Cheyenne.

UW College of Law Class of 2024 UW College of Law Celebrates the Class of 2024

On May 11, the College of Law conferred juris doctorate degrees to 84 new graduates.

Ethan Drewes Drewes is Third UW Editor for a Harvard Journal Special Issue

Ethan Drewes is a research assistant for Prof. George Mocsary, who encouraged him to apply for the special issue editorial board.

Group of people Law Student Helps Taxpayers in UW College of Business Clinic

Josh Rogers provides services in IRS disputes through the University of Wyoming Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.

Six students Brimmer Scholarship Finalists Announced

This top UW College of Law scholarship honors the career and service of Judge Clarence A. Brimmer.

Professor and Students Jessup Team Heads to D.C. for International Competition

This moot court competition is the world’s largest, with participants from approximately 700 law schools.

Group of people in an office. Students Build Connections Over Spring Break

Kayla Jones and Chance Harper enjoyed a stint with the Weld County District Attorney’s Office in March.

Noah Novogrodsky with Harvard law students Novogrodsky Publishes in Harvard International Law Journal

Novogrodsky and Fox present a “human-centered conception of property” they say has been missing from international law debates.

Students of the Family and Child Legal Advocacy Clinic in a park setting UW Law is Named Best for Practical Education

The National Jurist preLaw magazine has named UW College of Law as a Best School for Practical Training and a Top Environmental Law School.

Melissa Alexander Alexander is Author of New Health Law Book

Melissa Alexander, the Carl M. Williams Professor of Law and Ethics, is the author, with Deborah Farringer, of Questions and Answers, Health Law.

Ingrid Bent Student Receives Favorable Opinion from Wyoming Supreme Court

Ingrid Bent wrote the brief and crafted the arguments for Kessel v State as an intern with the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office.

woman on rural road holding law books Law Library Director Spreads Legal Education to Libraries Across Wyoming

The winter issue of UWyo Magazine explores how UW touches every corner of the state.

Magdalena Pellatz Pellatz Named Winner of Federal Courts Prize

The Alan B. Prize has been awarded to third-year law student Magdalena Pellatz.

Michael Smith UW Law Professor Credited with Reshaping Legal Writing Field

As the Association of Legal Writing Directors celebrates the 20th anniversary of its groundbreaking journal, the group recognizes Michael Smith as a force for change.

Julie Hill Julie Hill Selected as Dean of UW College of Law

An attorney, academic and administrator who started her legal career in Wyoming has been named dean of the University of Wyoming College of Law.


Contact Us

College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416

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