George W. Hopper Law Library
Dept. 3035
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2210
QuickSearch contains materials physically located in the library. It also displays a variety
of electronic resources, such as ebooks that are available full text from any campus
computer and holdings within select databases.
WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, so a search might identify a nearby
library that has your needed title. WorldCat is also handy if you need to find citation
information, if you need to know if a particular title exists, or if you're curious
as to whether a print work has an online version or not.
If you are seeking a resource not found in the Law Library Catalog, request it through ILL and make it conveniently available in the law building. Too busy to make a trip to Coe Library? No problem. Materials from UW Libraries can be requested through the online catalog. Interlibrary loans can take anywhere from a week to ten days in most cases.
Prospector is a unified catalog for borrowing and lending from UW libraries and twenty-two Colorado libraries. You may use Prospector from the online catalog. Search for the material you want to borrow. If it is not available, select the Prospector button, and complete your request electronically by selecting Wyoming as your library of affiliation and entering your username and password for the university's email system. The materials are couriered to campus and delivered to the Law Library, where we will contact you for pick up.
Hold for Me is another resource for retrieving documents. If the Law Library or the UW Libraries have a title or article that you would like, you may request it by bringing up the title in the library's catalog, clicking on the Hold for Me button, and filling in the required information. Articles will be scanned and faxed and books will be retrieved and made available for you at the Law Library circulation desk. If this is a title that the library does not own, it will initiate an Interlibrary Loan for the item. Be aware that if you request your item through the Law Library catalog, your request will be handled by Law Library staff. If you use Hold for Me through the UW Libraries, then the library staff at the main library will be handling the request.
George W. Hopper Law Library
Dept. 3035
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2210