
Erica L. Belmont
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Room 222B, EERB
1000 E. University Avenue
Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6073

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BERG: Belmont Energy Research Group


M.C. Brown, E.L. Belmont. Experimental characterization of ozone-enhanced n-decane cool flames and numerical investigation of equivalence ratio dependence. Combustion and Flame 230 (2021) 111429.

L.P. McLaughlin, E.L. Belmont. Impacts of oxidizer concentration and fuel composition on near-source aerosol emissions from lignocellulosic biomass and constituent burning. Journal of Aerosol Science 158 (2021) 105825.

K.W. Stahlfeld, E.L. Belmont. Carbon foam production from lignocellulosic biomass via high pressure pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 156 (2021) 105115.

A. Howell, M. Bretfeld, E. Belmont. Impacts of bark beetle-induced tree mortality on pyrogenic carbon production and heat output in wildfires for fire modeling and global carbon accounting. Science of The Total Environment 760 (2021) 144149.

M.Q. Brown, E.L. Belmont. Effects of ozone on n-heptane low temperature chemistry and premixed cool flames. Combustion and Flame 225 (2021) 20-30.

L.P. McLaughlin, E.L. Belmont. Size-resolved aerosol emissions from lignocellulosic biomass and biomass constituent pyrolysis under variable dilution temperatures. Journal of Aerosol Science 151 (2021) 105679.

M. Hajilou, M.Q. Brown, M.C. Brown, E. Belmont. Investigation of the structure and propagation speeds of n-heptane cool flames. Combustion and Flame 208 (2019) 99-109.

A. Howell, K. Stahlfeld, A. Balogun Mohammed, S. Vijlee, E. Belmont. Gas independence of Miscanthus × giganteus torrefied in nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) using calibrated thermogravimetric analysis. Bioresource Technology Reports 7 (2019) 100238.

J. Ellzey, E. Belmont, C. Smith. Heat Recirculating Reactors: Fundamental Research and Applications. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 72 (2019) 32-58.

E. Beagle, E. Belmont. Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass Utilization for Electricity Generation in the European Union and the United States. Energy Policy 128 (2019) 267-275.

F. Arafin, E. Belmont. Combustion Flame Speeds and Stability of Associated Natural Gas with High Concentrations of C2–C4 Alkanes. Energy & Fuels 32 (2018) 11821-11830.

A. Balogun Mohammed, S. Vijlee, E. Belmont. Technoeconomic feasibility of a sustainable charcoal industry to reduce deforestation in Haiti. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 29 (2018) 131-138.

M. Hajilou, E. Belmont. Characterization of ozone-enhanced propane cool flames at sub-atmospheric pressures. Combustion and Flame 196 (2018) 416-423.

E. Beagle, Y. Wang, D. Bell, E. Belmont. Co-gasification of pine and oak biochar with sub-bituminous coal in carbon dioxide. Bioresource Technology 251 (2018) 31-39.

A. Howell, E. Beagle, E. Belmont. Torrefaction of Healthy and Beetle Kill Pine and Co-Combustion With Sub-Bituminous Coal. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 140 (2018) 1-8.

E.L. Belmont, F.T. Davidson, Y.R. Glazer, E.A. Beagle, M.E. Webber. Accounting for water formation from hydrocarbon fuel combustion in life cycle analyses. Environmental Research Letters 12:9 (2017).

M. Hajilou, T. Ombrello, S.H. Won, E. Belmont. Experimental and numerical characterization of freely propagating ozone-activated dimethyl ether cool flames. Combustion and Flame 176 (2017) 326-333.

E. Beagle, E. Belmont. Technoeconomic assessment of beetle kill biomass co-firing in existing coal fired power plants in the Western United States. Energy Policy 97 (2016) 429-438.

S.R. Addamane, M. Hajilou, E.L. Belmont. Experimental and Analytical Study of a Porous Media Burner with Passive Air Entrainment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (2016) 12738-12746.

E.L. Belmont, T.M. Ombrello, M.S. Brown, C.D. Carter, J.L. Ellzey. Experimental and numerical investigation of freely propagating lean methane and ethylene flames. Combustion and Flame 162:6 (2015) 2679-2685.

E.L. Belmont, P.P. Radyjowski, J.L. Ellzey. Effect of geometric scale on heat recirculation and syngas production in a non-catalytic reformer. Combustion Science and Technology 187:6 (2015) 874-893.

E.L. Belmont, J.L. Ellzey. Lean heptane and propane combustion in a non-catalytic parallel-plate counter-flow reactor. Combustion and Flame 161:4 (2014) 1055-1062.

E.L. Belmont, I. Schoegl, J.L. Ellzey. Experimental and analytical investigation of lean premixed methane/air combustion in a mesoscale counter-flow reactor. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013) 3361-3367.

E.L. Belmont, S.M. Solomon, J.L. Ellzey. Syngas production from heptane in a non-catalytic counter-flow reactor. Combustion and Flame 159:12 (2012) 3624-3631.


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Erica L. Belmont
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Room 222B, EERB
1000 E. University Avenue
Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6073

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