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Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126 Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727

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Spanish Study Abroad

STUDY ABROAD IN SPAIN: De Ida y Vuelta. Influences from Spain to the Americas and Back.

Summer Program 2024-June 6-30

Faculty-Led by Prof. Irene Checa-García

Side-by-side image of Giralda and Madison Square Garden


Courses and Credits: 

Earn 6 credits for your major or minor in Spanish. 

SPAN 3070 Intensive Spanish Abroad. 3 credits. Practice your Spanish everyday with native speakers and review key concepts and vocabulary with your professor and classmates. Then go out and apply your learning right away! At the end of the class, we will produce a digital traveling blog together, with pictures, videos, tips, schedules, or any other thing you can think of as useful for a traveling blog. 

SPAN 4600 Special Topics. 3 credits. Learn about how Spanish influenced different areas of the Americas, linguistically, architecturally, and musically. And learn also how the Americas influenced Spain back! In this class you will learn and you will also research influences yourself to create your final project. 

Living in Spain: 

Students will stay with a Spanish family, learning and experiencing the local culture, with all meals included, for three weeks. There will be daily trips close to our homebase and trips at the beginning of the program and the end of the program to different cities to complete almost 4 weeks of study abroad. All visits and family stay included in price. 

Flight into and from Madrid Airport (airfare not included in price). 

Contact Prof. Checa-García for more information on the itinerary and price (Estimated $3000 to $3300) See on financial aid below. 

 landscape images of Spanish coast and olive trees

Ría de Aldán, Spain. Olive forest, as far as the eye can see, Úbeda, Spain.

Dates and Application: 

2 weeks online (starting May 20th, summer semester start) 

3 weeks study abroad: time with a family plus travel time and daily excursions (June 6-30, 2024) 

3 weeks online (after you travel, some time to work on your final projects) 

To apply, complete the application form and email your name and UW number to prof. Checa-García (

Financial Aid Possibilities: 

·Cheney Study Abroad Faculty-Led Program Grants* (UW) $500-$800 Deadline March 1st 

·Cheney Study-Abroad Grants* (UW) $Up to 2500 Deadline March 1st 

·Cheney Fellowship for Excellence in Study Abroad* (UW) Up to $4000 A research project is required. Deadline March 1st

·Sheila Langlois Memorial Fellowship for Study Abroad in Art History and Humanities* (UW) Up to $10000 Research Project and Major in the Humanities required. 

·Saunders-Walter Arts and Sciences Study Abroad Scholarship. Deadline March 1st.  

·Honors College Study Abroad Scholarships. Deadline March 15. 

·Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (US Department of State) For dependents of active military personnel. Up to $5000. Deadline October 5th. 

*You can only apply to one of the Education Abroad Office grants 

Very important: Please consult with the International Office and Prof. Checa-García about your best options. Always meet with UW's Financial Aid Office to verify your aid package and whether any restrictions apply. You can contact the study abroad office to set up an appointment or with questions.  

For more information on available grants you can also visit

Spanish taxi burro
Contact Us

Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126 Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727

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