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Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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August 2022 UW News

UW Sheridan R&E Center to Host Invasive Grasses Summit Sept. 6

The University of Wyoming’s Sheridan Research and Extension Center will host an open panel discussion Tuesday, Sept. 6, on invasive grass management, led by the Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE).

UW, Other Partners Update Yellowstone Volcano, Earthquake Monitoring Plan

The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO), a consortium of nine regional scientific agencies, has released a new 10-year plan to improve monitoring and hazards assessment of volcanic, hydrothermal and earthquake activity in the Yellowstone Plateau region.

307 Startup Challenge Competition at UW Seeks Entries From New Blockchain Businesses

New blockchain businesses will compete in the 307 Startup Challenge Wednesday, Sept. 21, at the Wyoming Blockchain Stampede.

UWs Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Economic Diversification Conference Sept. 21

The Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network will host the Wyoming Small Business Economic Diversification Conference Wednesday, Sept. 21, from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Best Western Downtown Casper Hotel, formerly the Clarion Inn, at 123 W. E St.

UWs Boothby Receives NASA Grant to Study How Hardy Organisms Cope With Radiation Exposure in Space

Thomas Boothby, a University of Wyoming assistant professor of molecular biology, recently received a nearly $100,00 NASA grant to study the effects of long-term radiation on tardigrades and nematode worms in an effort to help better prepare astronauts for space flight.

UW in Your Community Event Sept. 8 on Wind River Reservation

Students will learn more about the University of Wyoming, UW alumni will connect with their alma mater, and members of the public will find out more about UW’s presence in their community during a “UW in Your Community” gathering Thursday, Sept. 8, on the Wind River Indian Reservation.

UW Department of Music Presents American Trombone Sept. 7

“American Trombone,” featuring music from a trombonist and pianist duo, will be presented as part of the University of Wyoming Department of Music Faculty Recital Series Wednesday, Sept. 7.

UW Army ROTC Cadets to Test Football Game Cannon Tuesday

Midmorning Tuesday, Aug. 30, don’t be surprised to hear some noise coming from War Memorial Stadium.

UW Announces Labor Day Closures

Most University of Wyoming administrative offices will be closed, and classes will be dismissed Monday, Sept. 5, for Labor Day.

University of Wyoming Press to Offer Workshop, Open House Sept. 14 at UW

Representatives of the University of Wyoming Press (UWyoP) will be on campus to meet with members of the UW community Wednesday, Sept. 14.

UWPD Found Property Auction Sept. 7

The University of Wyoming Police Department (UWPD) will hold a found property auction Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 4 p.m. at the UWPD north parking lot, located at 1426 E. Flint St.

UW School of Graduate Education to Open Thursday

The University of Wyoming is proving its commitment to providing top-tier graduate education programs and research opportunities with the formation of the School of Graduate Education.

Wright Named Carrell Family Dean of UW College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Cameron Wright, who has served as acting dean since 2019, has been appointed as the Carrell Family Dean of the University of Wyoming’s College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

UWs Wyoming Wool Initiative Releases 2022 Blanket Design

The University of Wyoming’s Wyoming Wool Initiative’s 2022 limited-edition wool throw is now available for sale online.

Special UW Harlow Speaker Series Event in Grand Teton National Park Aug. 31

After a nearly three-year halt in programming, a special Harlow Speaker Series event will return Wednesday, Aug. 31, at the renovated University of Wyoming-National Park Service (UW-NPS) Research Station. The facility is located at the AMK Ranch in Grand Teton National Park.

Righetti Named UWs Occidental Chair in Energy and Environmental Policies

Tara Righetti is the inaugural Occidental Chair in Energy and Environmental Policies, an endowed chair jointly administered by the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources (SER) and the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources.

Friendship Families Program Provides Opportunity to Meet UW International Students

Local families can make new friends from around the world by joining the Friendship Families of Laramie program offered in conjunction with the University of Wyoming’s International Students and Scholars office.

WyoHackathon Part of UWs Wyoming Blockchain Stampede

Registration is underway for the 2022 WyoHackathon, presented by the University of Wyoming Center for Blockchain and Digital Innovation (CBDI) Sept. 9-23.

UWs Tian Receives NSF Grant to Study, Bolster Quantum Information Science and Engineering

Jifa Tian, an assistant professor in the University of Wyoming’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, received a $5 million National Science Foundation (NSF) Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) grant designed to develop research and education capacities in this e

UW Department of Music Hosts Guest Pianist Diego Caetano Aug. 29

Diego Caetano, a 2012 University of Wyoming alumnus from Brazil, opens the Department of Music’s fall season with a piano recital Monday, Aug. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall. The recital is free and open to the public.

UWs Big Event Community Service Project Oct. 8

The University of Wyoming’s ninth annual Big Event -- a student volunteer service project in the Laramie community -- will be Saturday, Oct. 8.

UW Seeks Input on Draft Strategic Plan

The University of Wyoming’s Strategic Planning Team and Council have completed a draft plan to guide the university in coming years, and they are seeking input from the UW community.

UW Part of NSF-Funded Institute That Will Probe Biology in Absence of Water

A University of Wyoming molecular biologist whose research on tiny creatures called tardigrades included a project on the International Space Station is now part of a new national institute that will explore how organisms survive extremely dry conditions for long periods.

UW Faculty Members Encouraged to Submit Papers for Release in Advance

University of Wyoming faculty members who have upcoming research papers that will be published in the following journals -- Nature, Science or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences -- are encouraged to let UW Institutional Communications know well in advance.

UW Faculty Members Can Be Added to Experts List

University of Wyoming Institutional Communications is looking to expand its UW faculty expert list.

Tabatha Spencer Selected as UW Staff Employee of Second Quarter

Tabatha Spencer is known for her professionalism and her acute awareness for detail in all tasks assigned in her everyday duties at the University of Wyoming.

UWs Trumbull Receives Top National Collegiate Mail Services Award

Bob Trumbull, the University of Wyoming Postal Services manager, recently received the Presidential Award from the National Association of College and University Mail Services (NACUMS) for his long-standing leadership and dedication to the position.

UW School of Pharmacy Conference Examines Legal Aspects in Pharmacy Practice

The University of Wyoming’s School of Pharmacy recently hosted its inaugural Legal Aspects in Pharmacy Conference, including a number of presenters highlighting how rules, regulations and laws impact the practice of pharmacy.

UW Revamps UWYO Roundup Transit Services

Updates to UWYO Roundup, the University of Wyoming’s transit system, include extended hours and a new app now in effect.

UW Libraries Partners With New York Times to Provide Complimentary Memberships

University of Wyoming Libraries and The New York Times (NYT) have partnered to provide school-sponsored NYT memberships to all UW and Wyoming community college students, faculty and staff.

UW Libraries Names Alternative Textbook Grant Recipients

University of Wyoming Libraries recently awarded alternative textbook grants to eight faculty members and two graduate students to implement open educational resources (OER) in their classes for the academic year.

UW Construction Management Program Receives Full National Accreditation

The University of Wyoming Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management has received full accreditation for its Construction Management Program from the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE).

UW AHC Announces Cowboy State Tour of A Sissy in Wyoming Stage Reading Production

The University of Wyoming American Heritage Center (AHC), along with other entities, is sponsoring the Cowboy State tour of “A Sissy in Wyoming,” a playwright’s reading based on the remarkable life of Wyoming educator, Vietnam veteran, activist and cross-dresser Larry “Sissy” Goodwin, who died in 20

Registration Opens for UW Extensions Online Master Gardener Training

University of Wyoming Extension’s fall/winter online Master Gardener training will be offered Sept. 15, 2022-Feb. 16, 2023. The 16-week course, which includes breaks for holidays, features about 48 hours of gardening instruction led by subject matter experts in UW Extension.

New Films Celebrate Wyoming Ranchers Dedication to Open Spaces, Big Game

A new documentary series highlights Wyoming ranching families that have gone to exceptional lengths to preserve Western ranching and steward big-game populations that depend on working lands.

UWs Nathanielsz Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

University of Wyoming animal science Professor Peter Nathanielsz is the 2022 recipient of the Barker Medal of the International Society for the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. He will receive the award from the association in Vancouver, British Columbia, later this month.

UW Art Museum to Host Artist Anne Samat Aug. 25

The University of Wyoming Art Museum will host Malaysian artist Anne Samat for an artist talk Thursday, Aug. 25, and a community weaving workshop Friday, Aug. 26.

Wyoming Blockchain Stampede Celebrates Fifth Anniversary Sept. 19

Celebrating its fifth anniversary, the 2022 Wyoming Blockchain Stampede will be held Sept. 19-23 at the University of Wyoming Conference Center in Laramie. Registration for the free event is underway at

UW SER, Wood, Atlas Carbon Collaborate on Potential Field Demonstration Project Near Gillette

Representatives of the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER), Wood PLC and Atlas Carbon LLC will hold a groundbreaking ceremony at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 2, to launch the site of a coal refinery field demonstration project near Gillette.

UW Masters Degree Student Earns American Sheep Industry Association Scholarship

University of Wyoming College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources master’s degree student Courtney Newman recently received the prestigious 2022 American Sheep Industry Association Sheep Heritage Foundation Scholarship.

UW Energy Resources Council to Meet Aug. 26

The University of Wyoming Energy Resources Council (ERC) will meet at 7:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 26, at Laramie’s Hilton Garden Inn for the council’s regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.

UW Employees Granted Release Time to Vote in Primary Election

University of Wyoming employees have a maximum of one hour of release time to vote in Tuesday’s Wyoming primary election, in accordance with state law and UW policy.

UW Cuts Ribbon on Thorson Geology Field Camp

The University of Wyoming has cut the ribbon on the Tom A. Thorson Geology Field Camp, a venerable century-long tradition made new by a $1 million gift from family in honor of Tom Thorson, president of the Wyoming company Black Hills Bentonite LLC.

UW AHC Hires Project Archivist to Assist Wyoming Libraries, Museums

The University of Wyoming American Heritage Center (AHC) recently hired a project archivist focused on a collaborative effort among the AHC, the Wyoming State Archives and the Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB).

Two UW Faculty Researchers Receive Thomas Jefferson Fund Grants

Two University of Wyoming researchers will receive Thomas Jefferson Fund grants to collaborate with French scientists on separate research projects that assess water storage capacity in mountain watersheds and enhance crop production worldwide to ensure future food security.

Fall Convocation, State of the University Sept. 1 at UW

University of Wyoming President Ed Seidel will provide updates on key issues and initiatives and outline future plans during his “State of the University” address Thursday, Sept. 1.

UW Updates Student Code of Conduct

The University of Wyoming’s Dean of Students Office has released an updated Student Code of Conduct that goes into effect today (Monday).

UW Researchers Tapped to Help Improve Post

Researchers at the University of Wyoming and seven other top universities have been selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to lay the groundwork for models that more accurately predict the spread of infectious diseases.

UW Faculty Member Wins Grant to Develop Study

A University of Wyoming faculty member is developing a study-abroad program that will bring UW undergraduate students together with members of the Pataxó Indigenous community in Brazil who are working to revitalize their endangered language.

UW Board of Trustees to Meet Wednesday via Teleconference

The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees will consider UW’s supplemental budget request for the 2023 legislative session during the board’s regular teleconference meeting Wednesday, Aug. 17.

Jerred Selected as UW IMPACT 307s Senior Director

Derrek Jerred has been selected as the new senior director of IMPACT 307, the University of Wyoming’s statewide network of innovation-driven business incubators committed to growing and strengthening Wyoming’s entrepreneurial community by providing resources and support for founders to thrive.

Application Period Open for Sixth Annual Sheridan Start

Kickoff of the 2022 Sheridan Start-Up Challenge is Monday, Aug. 15, with the opening of the application period. This will be the sixth consecutive year for Sheridan’s annual entrepreneur competition.

UWs Planetarium Temporarily Closed; Public Shows Canceled

The University of Wyoming Harry C. Vaughan Planetarium will be temporarily closed, at least for the next two weeks and perhaps beyond.

UW Survey Finds Hageman Leading Cheney in Wyoming GOP Primary

Wyoming Republican primary candidate Harriet Hageman is leading incumbent Liz Cheney by nearly 30 points in the primary race for Wyoming’s lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, according to a new survey by the University of Wyoming’s Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center (WYSAC).

Laramie Elementary, Middle School Students Participate in UWs COWGIRLS in STEM Camp

A number of elementary and middle school students built computer games using Scratch programming, worked with robots and learned Earth’s geology by completing a time grid and making candy-filled sandwiches to understand how rock layers compress.

UW Prepares to Host Inaugural Saddle Up Program

The excitement around the inaugural week of Saddle Up is building as the University of Wyoming prepares to welcome incoming students to campus for a brand-new experience starting Sunday, Aug. 14.

UW Offers Gladiators and Cinema Course This Fall

Laura De Lozier probably will stop short of brandishing a sword and wearing sandals in class while bellowing “Are you not entertained?” like Russell Crowe in the 2000 film “Gladiator.” But she hopes her fall course “Gladiators and Cinema” will more than excite University of Wyoming students with an

UW Demonstration Projects Receive Wyoming DataHub Grants

The Wyoming DataHub, a component of the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP), recently announced summer grant awards to support innovative data-sharing projects at the University of Wyoming.

UW Cross-Discipline Academic Writing Fellows Program Seeks Applicants

Applications for the third year of the University of Wyoming’s Academic Writing Fellows (UWAWF) program are now being accepted.

UW Donor-Funded Fellowship Supports Wyoming Migration Initiative

Before her death, Diane Mott knew she wanted to do two things: to honor her parents and to do her part to protect Wyoming’s landscapes. So, she gave a major estate gift to establish the Harold and Jean Mott Fellowship in Migration and Conservation at the University of Wyoming.

Laramie County 4-H Students Debrief Robotics Projects -- With Governo

This summer, 11 4-H students ages 7-15 met at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne to debrief their robotics projects -- with the top elected official of their state.

UWs Wyoming Institute for Disabilities Speech

A speech-language pathologist at the University of Wyoming’s Wyoming Institute for Disabilities has been awarded the 2022 Bright Star Distinguished Educator Award by the Wyoming Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities.

UW Professor Publishes Book on Isotopic Constraints on Earth System Processes

University of Wyoming geology Professor and National Geographic Explorer Ken Sims has published a new book on the application of isotopes to understanding earth system processes.

UW Ph.D. Student Receives Grant to Study Mechanisms of ACL Injuries in Sports

A University of Wyoming doctoral student recently received a Student Research Grant at the 40th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) in Liverpool, England.

UWs Vietti Leads Student Expedition Into Three Kemmerer Fossil Fish Quarries

Laura Vietti and two University of Wyoming researchers recently accompanied some UW students to three fossil fish quarries near Kemmerer. Their mission: to gather ash samples in the fossil fish layers to discover how quickly the fossil lake filled up millions of years ago.

UW Spinout Company Receives $1.2M Grant to Fund Research and Development of Advanced Technologies

A Laramie business that originated at the University of Wyoming has received a $1.2 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant from the U.S. Department of Energy that will be used to fund the continued development and commercialization of instrumentation platforms for the nonde

UW Museum of Vertebrates Receives Gift of Significant Collection of Animal Mounts

The University of Wyoming has been gifted a large collection of animal mounts to be used for display and research purposes within UW’s Museum of Vertebrates.

UW Education-Abroad Course Reunites Arapaho Student With Tribal Headdress

University of Wyoming College of Law student and Northern Arapaho member Alyson White Eagle-SoundingSides is working with law Professor Darrell Jackson and UW Art Museum Director Nicole Crawford to bring home from the British Museum a headdress that belonged to her great-great-grandfather, Northern

UW Awarded $1.2M to Improve Postsecondary Enrollment, Completion Among Rural Students

The University of Wyoming College of Education and the UW Trustees Education Initiative were awarded a three-year, $1.2 million grant to improve postsecondary enrollment and completion among rural students.

Volunteers Spot 16 Animals During UWs Biodiversity Institute Summer Moose Day

For the seventh year, community scientists helped identify moose populations in the mountains outside of Laramie for Summer Moose Day. And the numbers were comparable to previous summer counts.

UW Names New AVP for Human Resources

An experienced human resources leader and administrator has been selected as the University of Wyoming’s associate vice president for human resources.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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