2024 UW News Stories

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Gillette March 14

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, March 14.

UW and Wyoming Community Navigator Program Host Digital Literacy Webinar March 14

Small-business owners can improve their digital literacy skills Thursday, March 14.

Wyoming Business Tips for March

A monthly look at issues facing Wyoming business owners and entrepreneurs from the Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, a collection of business assistance programs at the University of Wyoming.

UW Nordic Ski Team Has Two All-Americans on Second Day of National Competition

Two University of Wyoming Nordic ski team members earned first team All-American honors at the United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association (USCSA) National Championships in Lake Placid, N.Y., including a Cowgirl who was the national runner-up in Wednesday’s race.

Violinist Spadino Pippa and Pianist Han to Perform at UW March 8

Award-winning Italian violinist Simone Spadino Pippa and University of Wyoming Department of Musica collaborative pianist Jiwon Han will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 8, in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall. The recital is free and open to the public.

Students Will ‘Journey to Mars’ at UW’s Teton STEM Academy June 16-23

Twenty-four students from across Wyoming will have an opportunity this summer to explore the interdisciplinary sciences as they relate to a mission to return to Mars during the Teton STEM Academy June 16-23 on the University of Wyoming campus.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Email Scam Webinar March 14

One click of a scam email link can completely disrupt your business. Small-business owners can get the most up-to-date information on how to protect themselves and their businesses from email scammers Thursday, March 14.

UW School of Pharmacy Student Receives APhA Foundation Scholarship

A third-year University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy student is the recipient of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation Scholarship.

UW Music Professor’s Book Nominated for Multiple Awards

University of Wyoming Department of Music Associate Professor Ben Markley’s new book, titled “Cedar: The Life and Music of Cedar Walton,” is nominated for two awards.

UW Nordic Ski Teams Fare Well in Slippery Conditions on Opening Day of National Championships

The University of Wyoming women’s and men’s Nordic ski teams faced a slippery trail during the opening day competition at the U.S. Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association (USCSA) Championships in Lake Placid, N.Y.

UW Researchers Publish Results Assessing Coal Char as a Soil Amendment

A University of Wyoming Research team led by Research Professional Resham Thapa in the School of Energy Resources (SER) published an article assessing the effects of coal char as a soil amendment in Agronomy, a top-tier journal in the fields of agronomy and crop science.

Windy Ridge Foundation Astro Camp Scheduled June 16-22 at UW

Select middle school students from four states will have an opportunity this summer to explore traveling to and colonizing planets during the Windy Ridge Foundation Astro Camp June 16-22 on the University of Wyoming campus.

stork flying against a background of trees New Research Shows Migrating Animals Learn by Experience

Research led by scientists from the University of Wyoming and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior shows that migrating animals refine their behavior as they get older, suggesting that experiential learning is an important part of successful migration.

Registration Open for UW Extension’s 2024 Ranch Camp Program

University of Wyoming Extension is accepting applications for the fourth annual Wyoming Ranch Camp, to be held at the Padlock Ranch Monday-Friday, June 10-14.

UW Army ROTC Cadets to Participate in Flight Lab March 6

Members of the University of Wyoming Army ROTC Cowboy Battalion will participate in a flight lab that will involve helicopters flying around and landing on the UW campus Wednesday, March 6, from 3-6 p.m.

Wyoming 4-H to Host Free Virtual Career Fair March 19

High school and middle school students are encouraged to hop online Tuesday, March 19, for an interactive virtual career night organized by University of Wyoming Extension.

US Veterans Affairs Secretary Visits UW

U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough visited the University of Wyoming Thursday, answering questions from UW student veterans and meeting with President Ed Seidel and other university leaders in support of those students.

Priority Scheduling for Wyoming Union Begins March 11

Priority scheduling is quickly approaching to reserve space in the Wyoming Union for the 2024-25 academic year at the University of Wyoming.

UW Selected for Thailand Partnerships Program

The University of Wyoming is one of 48 U.S. and Thai higher education institutions selected by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok to participate in the prestigious International Academic Partnership Program (IAPP) focusing on Thailand.

Agenda Set for April Outdoor Recreation Summit

The agenda has been finalized for the Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Summit Thursday-Saturday, April 18-20, in Casper. The program is packed with presentations, facilitated discussions and panels featuring topics that address many aspects of outdoor recreation in Wyoming.

Celebration of Life for UW Swimmers March 6

A celebration of life is planned Wednesday, March 6, at 6 p.m. in the University of Wyoming’s Arena-Auditorium to honor the three UW swimmers who died in a single-vehicle crash on U.S. Highway 287 about 10 miles south of the Wyoming-Colorado border Feb. 22. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., as it is open to the public.

five people standing in front of a plane UW Team Studies Possible Effects of Cold Air Outbreaks on Arctic Ice Melt

In the last decade or so, the Arctic ice sheet has been shrinking more every summer than in the historical record. And a particular type of cloud regime may be amplifying this warming rate.

First-Year UW WWAMI Medical Students Meet State Leaders

First-year medical students from the Wyoming-WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho) Medical Education Program in the University of Wyoming’s College of Health Sciences met state leaders -- as well as the program’s alumni, preceptors and faculty -- last week in Cheyenne.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Worland March 7

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, March 7.

Intersection Closure Brings UW Transit and Parking Changes

The closure of the intersection of 15th Street and Ivinson Avenue starting Monday, March 4, will necessitate multiple changes to University of Wyoming bus routes and parking over the coming months.

Lunar Eclipse Highlights UW Planetarium Schedule During March

Programs about the upcoming lunar eclipse, as well as the sun and the moon, highlight the schedule at the University of Wyoming Harry C. Vaughan Planetarium during March.

UW’s Wyoming Center on Aging Offers Healthy U Cancer Workshops

The Wyoming Center on Aging (WyCOA) at the University of Wyoming, in collaboration with Ivinson Memorial Hospital and the Wyoming Department of Health, will offer a six-session Healthy U workshop series titled “Cancer: Thriving and Surviving in Laramie, Wyoming.”

UW and Wyoming Community Navigator Program to Discuss Using Artificial Intelligence March 6

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to boost social media strategy for their businesses Wednesday, March 6.

UW College of Business Offers Free Tax Prep for Reservation and Fremont County Residents

The University of Wyoming College of Business is offering free tax preparation services to Wind River Indian Reservation tribal members and Fremont County residents as part of the Wind River Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, designed to support individuals and families in need of tax preparation assistance.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Veteran-Owned Business Lunch Workshop in Sheridan March 7

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, March 7.

Gillette College to Host UW Seminar on Energy Innovations in Ranching

The University of Wyoming College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources will facilitate a seminar on energy innovations Monday, March 18, hosted by Gillette College.

UW and Wyoming APEX Accelerator to Host Capability Statement Workshop March 5

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn about writing capability statements with a “wow” factor for government contractors Tuesday, March 5.

UW Mortar Board Honors ‘Top Profs’

Members of the University of Wyoming’s senior honor society recently honored their “Top Profs” at the 44th annual Top Prof Night.

UW Students Receive Prestigious Gilman Scholarships to Study Abroad

Eleven University of Wyoming students -- nearly double the number in the previous semester -- are funding their study-abroad experiences this spring through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.

UW Professor Named American Astronomical Society Trustee

Daniel “Danny” Dale, the University of Wyoming Harry C. Vaughan Professor of Astronomy and a College of Engineering and Physical Sciences associate dean, has been appointed as a member of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Board of Trustees.

UW Symphony Orchestra to Present ‘Crouching Tiger’ Feb. 29

A Grammy- and Oscar-winning concerto. A symphony by the dean of African American composers. An overture by one of the greatest Italian opera composers.

Utility Work to Prompt Closure of Ivinson and 15th Intersection

The installation of deep utility infrastructure for the University of Wyoming’s student housing project will necessitate the closure of the intersection of Ivinson Avenue and 15th Street.

UW’s EORI Launches Improved Wyoming Pipeline Infrastructure Viewer

The University of Wyoming’s Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (EORI) has updated its Wyoming Pipeline Infrastructure Viewer (WPIV) map application, providing an easy-to-use platform for users to discover and analyze the state’s pipeline and associated infrastructure data to encourage pipeline development.

Wyoming Native Tris Munsick to Perform March 22 at UW

Sheridan County native Tris Munsick and his band, the Innocents, will bring their country sound to the University of Wyoming College of Arts and Sciences auditorium at 7 p.m. Friday, March 22.

UW Choirs to Present ‘Cowboys, Sing On!’ March 2

The University of Wyoming Department of Music choirs will present “Cowboys, Sing On!” at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 2, in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts concert hall. The concert is free and open to the public.

UW Faculty Member Publishes Bestselling Book on Philosophy of Bitcoin

University of Wyoming philosophy Associate Professor Bradley Rettler’s new book, “Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin,” became available on Amazon Feb. 15 and is now a bestseller among philosophy books.

A Message from the President: Tragic Loss for Our Community

The University of Wyoming family has suffered a tremendous loss.

Three UW Swimmers Killed in Crash on U.S. Highway 287

Three members of the University of Wyoming swimming and diving team died in a single-vehicle crash on U.S. Highway 287 about 10 miles south of the Wyoming-Colorado border Thursday afternoon.

UW College of Business Launches Leadership Academy

The University of Wyoming College of Business has launched the UW Leadership Academy, a unique experiential course to develop students’ economic and civic leadership capabilities while providing them with Wyoming networking experiences.

UW Students Invited to Participate in Wyoming Pi Days

It’s time to celebrate all things mathematics.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Douglas Feb. 29

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, Feb. 29.

UW Jazz Festival Concert to Feature Whee3trio and Ben Markley Quintet Feb. 26

University of Wyoming Department of Music faculty-led Whee3trio and the Ben Markley Quintet are the UW Jazz Festival double-feature concert headliners. They will perform Monday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts concert hall.

Volunteers Needed for State High School FBLA Conference March 13-15 at UW

More than 500 students representing 31 high schools will be on the University of Wyoming campus Wednesday-Friday, March 13-15, for the Wyoming Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Leadership Conference.

UW Researchers Gain International Attention

University of Wyoming scientists have gained international attention for new research showing that invasive ants in a Kenyan savanna have caused lions to change their predatory behavior. On Friday, Feb. 23, Department of Zoology and Physiology Professor Jacob Goheen and Ph.D. student Douglas Kamaru will share their findings with a vast American audience on National Public Radio’s (NPR) “Science Friday” program.

woman standing against a background of mountains and water UW Grad Student Wins Lyman and Margie McDonald Research Award for Wildlife Quantitative Analysis

University of Wyoming statistics graduate student Allie Midkiff, from Liberty, Mo., recently was named the winner of the Lyman and Margie McDonald Research Award for Quantitative Analysis in Wildlife.

UW and Wyoming Community Navigator Program to Discuss Securing Business Funding Feb. 28

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn how to secure funding for their businesses Wednesday, Feb. 28.

man face-to-face with man wearing Spiderman costume ‘Stan Lee, Beyond the Book’ Exhibition to Open at UW American Heritage Center

The American Heritage Center (AHC) at the University of Wyoming is preparing its highly anticipated “Stan Lee, Beyond the Book” exhibition, honoring the legendary author, editor and Marvel Comics visionary.

Contemporary Dance Featured in UW Theatre and Dance Production March 1-3

An evening of contemporary dance will feature original works by University of Wyoming Department of Theatre and Dance faculty members and guest artists that reflect the relationships, emotions and movements that define the human experience.

University of Wyoming Fall Semester Graduates: Nonresident

The University of Wyoming accorded degrees upon the following nonresident students at the completion of the 2023 fall semester.

University of Wyoming Fall Semester Graduates: Resident

The University of Wyoming accorded degrees upon the following students from Wyoming at the completion of the 2023 fall semester.

11 Adult Moose Spotted During UW Biodiversity Institute’s Winter Moose Day Weekend

For the 10th year in a row, community scientists glimpsed moose and collected data about their populations in two mountains ranges outside of Laramie during Winter Moose Day weekend.

UW Awards Top Scholarship to 100 Wyoming Students

One hundred outstanding high school seniors from across Wyoming have been selected to receive the 2024 Trustees’ Scholars Award, the University of Wyoming’s top academic scholarship.

UW Cowboy Sandbox to Feature Immersive Technology and Performances Feb. 24

A second edition of Cowboy Sandbox -- a spectacular fusion of immersive experiences, live performances and cutting-edge technology -- is planned Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Harry C. Vaughan Planetarium and SciDIY Makerspace, both located in the University of Wyoming’s Physical Sciences Building.

UW Bands to Perform ‘Revelry’ Feb. 22

The University of Wyoming Department of Music’s Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band will present “Revelry: A Soundtrack for the Human Experience” Thursday, Feb. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts concert hall.

Wyoming State Science Fair Students Qualify for National STEM Challenge

Three Wyoming student science researchers have been invited to the National STEM Challenge in Washington, D.C., in April.

Volunteer Judges Needed for Wyoming State Science Fair March 3-5 at UW

Volunteer judges are needed for the 2024 Wyoming State Science Fair (WSSF) next month on the University of Wyoming campus.

UW’s Wyoming SBDC Network Podcast Interviews Owners of Tech Business and Pizza Joint

The Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network podcast returns with two new episodes that feature interviews with the co-founder of Wyonics, a Laramie-based sustainable technology business, and the owner of Legend Pizza in Powell.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Business Loan Workshop in Casper Feb. 22

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to get a first small-business loan request approved Thursday, Feb. 22.

person's hands holding a hummingbird UW Researcher Studies Why Hummingbird Numbers Are Declining

Hummingbirds have long held a deep fascination with the public, whether being observed hovering and flitting their wings at amazing speeds around bird feeders or admired as symbols of love and peace.

UW and Wyoming Community Navigator Program Host Implementation and Accountability Webinar Feb. 22

Small-business owners can learn how to handle their top or most challenging business goals for 2024 Thursday, Feb. 22.

UW Nursing School Adopts Disaster Management Leadership Training

On an increasingly volatile world stage, health care professionals need to prepare themselves and patients for chemical, natural and man-made disasters as well as global pandemics.

UW Nordic Ski Teams Continue Strong Season at CSU Invitational

Both the University of Wyoming women’s and men’s Nordic ski teams continued their strong start to the winter season when they competed in Leadville, Colo., last weekend at the Colorado State University (CSU) Invitational.

‘UW in Your Community’ Event March 4 in Lovell

Members of the public will find out more about the University of Wyoming’s presence in Big Horn County, and UW alumni will connect with their alma mater during a “UW in Your Community” gathering Monday, March 4, in Lovell.

UW and Wyoming Community Navigator Program to Discuss Using Artificial Intelligence Feb. 21

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to boost their businesses Wednesday, Feb. 21.

UW Art Museum to Host Spring Opening Reception Feb. 24

The University of Wyoming Art Museum will celebrate the opening of its spring exhibitions with a free public reception Saturday, Feb. 24, from 5-8 p.m.

people working at a stone circle dig site in mountains UW Anthropologists’ Research Unveils Early Stone Plaza in the Andes

Two University of Wyoming anthropology professors have discovered one of the earliest circular plazas in Andean South America, showcasing monumental megalithic architecture, which refers to construction that uses large stones placed upright with no mortar.

UW’s Wyoming Institute for Disabilities Receives ECHO Excellence Award

The Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND), an academic unit of the University of Wyoming’s College of Health Sciences, recently received an ECHO Excellence Award for its Project ECHO.

UW Researcher Learns How Nectar-Laden Honey Bees Avoid Overheating

Honey bees carrying nectar have the remarkable ability to adjust their flight behavior to avoid overheating when air temperatures increase, according to research led by a University of Wyoming scientist.

UW and Wyoming APEX Accelerator to Host Foreign Ownership Workshop Feb. 20

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn about foreign ownership, control or influence (FOCI) Tuesday, Feb. 20.

Gift of $250,000 to UW Supports Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

A $250,000 gift to the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER) from energy infrastructure leader Williams will advance carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) within the state and beyond.

Applicants Sought for UW Presidential Fellows Program

The application period is now open for the 2024-26 Presidential Fellows program at the University of Wyoming.

overhead view of area with woods and grasslands UW Archaeology Professor Discovers Oldest Known Bead in the Americas

University of Wyoming archaeology Professor Todd Surovell and his team of collaborators have discovered a tube-shaped bead made of bone that is about 12,940 years old

UW Professor Advances Scholarship on Stakeholder Engagement in Working Landscapes

A group of more than 160 researchers and practitioners -- including a University of Wyoming visiting assistant professor -- has released a suite of materials dedicated to advancing understanding of stakeholder engagement and the effectiveness of collaboration in working landscapes.

Registration Open for UW Virtual Invasive Grass Workshop

The University of Wyoming’s Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE) will host a free virtual workshop Wednesday, April 3, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m

UW Academic Writing Fellows Program Reaches Midpoint of Fourth Year

The University of Wyoming Cross-Disciplinary Academic Writing Fellows program recently reached the midpoint of its fourth year.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929
Email: cbaldwin@uwyo.edu


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