(BSN '86, MS '89)
The School of Nursing is delighted to announce that Marsha K. Siegel, BSN 1986, MS
1989 is the Distinguished Alumna for 2000. Ms Siegel is a Rural Health/Family Nurse
Practitioner in practice with John Babson, MD, PhD in Cheyenne. The Class of 1986
and MS graduates of 1988 should make plans now to come celebrate Ms. Siegel's recognition
at the Distinguished Alumna Banquet to be held on Homecoming Weekend, Friday, October
6, 2000. She is the first Distinguished Alumna who has earned both BSN and MS degrees
from UW School of Nursing.
Marsha Siegel started her nursing career in 1977 when she completed an associate degree in nursing at Floyd College, University of Georgia in Rome. From 1977-1982 she held various staff and charge nurse positions in high risk perinatology. In 1982 she became the Department Director for Perinatal Services at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County in Rock Springs, Wyoming. There she successfully led the department through a JCAHO Inspection. In 1984 she became Department Head of the Nursery/Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Wyoming Medical Center in Casper, Wyoming. Again she successfully led the department through a JCAHO Inspection.
After finishing the BSN degree at UW, she became the Director of Neonatalogy Services at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. After one year in Georgia she returned to Wyoming to enter the UW graduate program. From 1987-1989 she was involved in graduate research, teaching assistantships, and was a clinical instructor for the undergraduate nursing program here.
Her first position upon completion of the FNP Program was as FNP in the Family Planning Center in Cheyenne Wyoming. From 1990-1996 she served in a number of positions at the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center in Cheyenne. Her initial role at the VA was as a Nurse Practitioner. In 1991 she became the Acting Supervisor of the Nursing Home Care Unit; in 1992 she was named Associate Chief, Nursing Services/Physical Medicine and Rehabilitative Services. In this executive level position she was responsible for policy/procedure development, pro-fessional development of staff, recruitment/retention, staffing issues, and budgets. Marsha developed/facilitated the restructuring efforts in services, efforts which involved evolution over several years focusing on decreasing supervisory layers, empowering staff to make decisions regarding professional duties. She was also extensively involved in restructuring efforts Center-wide, serving on committees/task forces. Once again she successfully led the facility through two JCAHO Inspections.
In 1996 Marsha began doctoral studies; she is currently completing her work in organizational leadership with a focus on organizational consultation. Also in 1996 she joined the private practice of John Babson, MD, Ph.D in Cheyenne, Wyoming as an FNP.
Annual Pharmacology Update for Advanced Practice Nurses
Instrumental in organizing this event which is sponsored by the Wyoming Council for
Legislative Activities
Provided testimony of APN roles to Joint Select Health Care Panel in 1993.
Ex-officio member/APN consultant to WY Governor's Health Care Reform Commission; authored, administered, analyzed, presented summary of all WY APN regarding barriers to practice. Survey recognized in other WY health care forums including 1994 UW College of Health Sciences Vision Conference.
Provided testimony in 1998 to "New Century Challenge Series: Developing a Blueprint for Health Care Success" regarding APN/PA roles.
During 1999 legislative session assisted with development/lobbying of two bills to expand role of APNs in Wyoming. Both bills passed.
Made presentations to Wyoming groups about the APN and the legislative process.
The Wyoming Nurse
Published variety of articles for this publication.
UW School of Nursing
Adjunct faculty, serving on Advisory Committee of the School for three years.
Preceptor for nurse practitioner students.
Veterans Health System Journal
Appointed to Editorial Review Board in 1998.
Wyoming Council for Advanced Practice Nursing
Wyoming Health Resources Network (WHRN)
A founding member of this public/private non-profit organization formed in 1994 by
Wyoming Hospital Association, WNA, Wyoming Medical Society, and Wyoming Department
of Health to assist in recruitment/retention of primary health care providers in Wyoming.
Ms. Siegel continues to serve to represent nurse practitioners.
Wyoming Nurses Association:
Consultant for APN issues in Wyoming
WNA District Level Officer
WNA Legislative Committee Chair 1991-1996
WNA Outstanding Service Award Recipient
Wyoming State Board of Nursing
Consultant on APN practice/professional issues;
Assisted with developing/changing the Board of Nursing rules and regulations for APN.
Boy Scouts of America
A local Boy Scout troupe has had many occasions over the past years to thank Marsha
for volunteering to do their camp physicals.
Community Action Healthcare Clinic for the Homeless
Volunteers her valuable time at this needed clinic.
Volunteer Award
Because of her efforts her office was named the Volunteer Office of the Year for 1999.
Marsha and her husband, Kit Carpenter, live in Cheyenne with two dogs and a cat. Marsha participates in the community adult leagues for basketball, and co-ed volleyball. She is also a runner, snow skier, jet skier, golfer. She also enjoys playing the piano and guitar.
More about Siegel: Please also check out a 2013 article on Siegel regarding the school's Advanced Practice Nursing Award
Page updated 6/22/2023