(BSN, '71)
Pam Groshart began her career.
as a public health nurse in Cheyenne. Her interest in education was initiated in that
position, as she held classes in family planning, prenatal, well baby, immunization
and sexually transmitted disease clinics. After working in psychiatric care and medical-surgical
units in Sheridan, she then became the project director of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana
Mountain States Regional Medical Program. Here she educated 100 medical doctors and
250 registered nurses, who in turn worked with 2500 women in about 50 clinics. When
that project ended, Pam became the public education director of the Idaho division
of the American Cancer Society. Before she retired, she spent 20 years working as
an infection control nurse for the Veteran's Administration (VA). This role covered
the hospital, extended care facility, outpatient clinics, and home care. After retiring
from the VA, Pam started Infection Prevention and Control Consultants, LLC.
Pam earned a Master of Health Science degree from Boise State University in 2003 and is certified in infection control (CIC) and has been since 1992.
Pam has published several reports and presented to the Annual Education Conference of the Infection Control Nurses Association of the United Kingdom in Brighton, England. She belongs to relevant professional organizations and volunteers in the community.
Page updated 2/22/2017