Director – Experiential Education
Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Contact • (307) 766-6030 • HS 288B
1997 MS Hospital Pharmacy University of Kansas
1992 BS Pharmacy University of Wyoming
Janelle obtained her pharmacy degree from the University of Wyoming. She then completed
a two-year Pharmacy Practice/Health System Pharmacy Administration residency at the
University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, KS and a Master’s degree in Hospital
Pharmacy, focusing on administration, at the University of Kansas. Prior to coming
to the University of Wyoming (UW) in 2005, she was on faculty at the Harrison School
of Pharmacy at Auburn University (Auburn, AL) and served in a hospital pharmacy management
position for four years in Tucson AZ before entering academia.
Janelle currently serves as the Director of the Experiential Education Program and
from a teaching perspective, focuses primarily on introductory pharmacy practice activities
for first and second year pharmacy students. In 2017 she received the Wyoming Pharmacist
of the Year and in 2013 was awarded the UW College of Health Sciences Outstanding
Teaching in Geriatrics award. Her academic interests primarily relate to experiential
education, assessment and curriculum issues, interprofessional education, development
of critical-thinking skills, and management/leadership topics. She is an active member
of the Wyoming Pharmacy Association (WPhA), the Northwest Pharmacy Experiential Consortium
(NWPEC) and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).