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Carolyn Pepper, Ph.D.

Carolyn Pepper


Self-injury and Suicide

Clinical Psychology

Carolyn Pepper is recruiting graduate students for Fall 2025.

Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook 1995

Pre-doctoral Internship 1994-1995, Tufts University School of Medicine/Boston Department of Veterans Affairs Psychology Internship Consortium

M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook 1992

B.S., Western Michigan University 1989 • (307) 766-2951 • Bio Sciences Bldg 126


Academic Positions

Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, 2024-present

Professor of Psychology, 2011-present, University of Wyoming

Associate Professor of Psychology, 2005-2011, University of Wyoming

Assistant Professor of Psychology, 2002-2005, University of Wyoming

Assistant Professor of Psychology 1997-2002, Binghamton University, State University of New York

NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow 1995-1997, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical Center


Research Interests

Self-injurious behaviors

Suicide in the Mountain West

Nonsuicidal self-injury and emotion regulation

Self-injurious behaviors in LGBTQ+ individuals



PSYC 4400 - Psychological Testing

PSYC 5540 - Diversity Issues in Psychology

PSYC 5470 - Evidence-based Treatments

PSYC 5450/5460 - Clinical Practicum

Current Graduate Students

Rachael Dumas, M.S.

Daniela Branson, M.S.

April Fraser

Former Graduate Students

Lara Glenn, Ph.D. 2024 University of Wyoming: Staff Psychologist, Central Virginia VA

Gabe Zeller, Ph.D. 2023 University of Wyoming: Postdoctoral Fellow, Cheyenne VA

Kandice Perry, Ph.D. 2023 University of Wyoming: Postdoctoral Fellow, VA Atlanta

Alejandra Reyna, Ph.D. 2021 University of Wyoming: Staff Psychologist, Denver VA

Mary "Kati" Lear, Ph.D. 2019 University of Wyoming: Clinical Psychologist, Portland Psychotherapy

Brooke Maxfield, Ph.D. 2019 University of Wyoming: Psychologist, Mind, Body, Health, Washington D.C.

Stephanie Bachtelle Stacy, Ph.D. 2018 University of Wyoming: Assistant Chief, MHRRTP

Casey Allington, Ph.D. 2017 University of Wyoming: Staff Psychologist, White River Junction VA

Tatyana Kholodkov, Ph.D. 2015 University of Wyoming: Private Practice, Durham, NC

Pooja Saraff, Ph.D. 2015 University of Wyoming: Staff Psychologist, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center

Denis Birgenheir, Ph.D. 2012 University of Wyoming: Local Recovery Coordinator/Staff Psychologist, VA Nebraska/Western Iowa Health Care System

Laura Scharf Yamamoto, Ph.D. 2011 University of Wyoming: Staff Psychologist, Oklahoma City VA Medical Center

Danielle Maack, Ph.D. 2010 University of Wyoming: Associate Professor, University of Mississippi

Jason A. Nieuwsma, Ph.D. 2009 University of Wyoming: Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University

Margaret S. Andover, Ph.D. 2006 Binghamton University: Associate Professor, Fordham University

Allison B. Miller, Ph.D. 2006 Binghamton University: Clinical Psychologist, Binghamton Veterans Center

Elizabeth L. Jeglic, Ph.D. 2003 Binghamton University: Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

James W. Griffith, Ph.D. 2004 Binghamton University: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University

Karen A. Ryabchenko, Ph.D. 2003 Binghamton University: Assistant Director, PTSD Clinic, Boston VA

Cho Y. Lam, Ph.D. 2002 Binghamton University: Research Associate Professor, Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah.


Representative Publications

Pepper, C. M., *Dumas, R. E., *Glenn, L. E., *Perry, K. M., *Zeller, G. M., & **Collins, L. N. (2024). A cultural script for suicide among White men in the Mountain West Region of the United States. American Psychologist. Advance online publication.

*Dumas, R. E. & Pepper, C. M. (2023). Bisexual-specific minority stress in nonsuicidal self-injury: The mediating role of perceived burdensomeness, Journal of Affective Disorder Reports, 13, 100608

*Glenn, L. & Pepper, C. M. (2023). Reliability and validity of the self-rating scale as a measure of self- criticism. Assessment, 30(5) 1557–1568.

*Perry, K. M., *Stacy, S., E., & Pepper, C. M. (2022). Masculine gender-related personality traits and acquired capability for suicide, Death Studies, 46(2), 329–336. 

*Stacy, S. E., Pepper, C. M., Clapp, J. D., & *Reyna, A. H. (2022). The effects of blood in self-injurious cutting: positive and negative affect regulation. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78(5), 926-93. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23267 

*Saraff, P. D. & Pepper, C. M. (2020). Factors used in multiple-relationship ethical decisions in a small rural community. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 22, 6-18. DOI:  10.1891/EHPP-D-19-00019 

*Lear, M. K., *Perry, K. M., *Stacy, S. E., Canen, E. L., Hime, S. J., & Pepper, C. M. (2020). Differential suicide risk factors in rural middle and high school students. Psychiatry research, 284, 112773.

*Lear, M.K., Wilkowski, B. M. & Pepper, C. M. (2019). The Defective Self Model of Self-injury: A daily diary investigation in self-injuring college students. Behavior Therapy, 50, 1002-1012.

* Lear, M. K., *Kozina, R. M., *Stacy, S. E., Clapp, J. D., & Pepper, C. M. (2019). Interpersonal needs and suicide risk: The moderating roles of sex and brooding, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75, 1572-1584.

*Stacy, S. E., *Bandel, S. M., *Lear, M. K., & Pepper, C. M. (2018). Before, during, and after self-injury: The practice patterns of NSSI, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 206, 522-527. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000846.

Pepper, C. M. (2017). Suicide in the Mountain West region of the United States, Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention.

 *Stacy, S. E., *Lear, M. K. & Pepper, C. M. (2017). The importance of origin: Differences in interpretation of self-inflicted versus environmentally-inflicted scars. Personality and  Individual Differences, 116, 92-95.

 *Lear, M. K., Pepper, C. M. (2016). Family-based outpatient treatments: A viable alternative to hospitalization for adolescent suicidality, Journal of Family Therapy, 30, 813–827.

*Lear, M. K. & Pepper, C. M. (2016). Self-concept clarity and emotion dysregulation in non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Personality Disorders, 30, 813-827.

*Bachtelle, S. E. & Pepper, C. M. (2015). The Physical results of self-injury: The meaning behind the scars. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203, 927-933.

*Saraff, P. D., **Trujillo, N., & Pepper, C. M. (2015). Functions, consequences, and frequency of non-suicidal self-injury, Psychiatric Quarterly, 219, 298-304.

Anastasia, T. T., Humphries-Wadsworth, T., Pepper, C. M., & Pearson, T. M. (2015). Family Centered Brief Intensive Treatment: A Pilot Study of an Outpatient Treatment for Acute Suicidal Ideation, Journal of Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 45, 78-83.

*Saraff, P. D. & Pepper, C. M. (2014). Functions, lifetime frequency, and variety of methods of non-suicidal self-injury among college students, Psychiatry Research, 219, 298-304.

*Birgenheir, B. G., Pepper, C. M., & Johns, M. (2010). Excessive reassurance seeking as a mediator of sociotropy and negative life events, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34, 188-195.

*Andover, M. S., Premack, J. M., Gibb, B. E., Pepper, C. M. (2010). An Examination of non-suicidal self-injury in men: Do men differ from women in basic NSSI characteristics? Archives of Suicide Research, 14, 79-88.




Stress and Mood Laboratory

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Department of Psychology

1000 E University Ave

Dept. 3415

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6303


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