Campus Recreation
Recreational Sports Office
Half Acre Gym, Rm. 223
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-4175
The Equestrian Team offers coed practice for riders of all levels from beginner to riders who have previously ranked at National shows. The team offers practices in both western and English!
No horse experience is required
No personal horse is required
Competing in shows is not required
Practice includes both Western horsemanship and English hunt seat equitation. Any rider is able to practice and/or show in both disciplines or choose only one. Practices are conducted by the officer team, coach, and assistant coaches. All practices and travel costs for shows are included within member dues.
Typical Seasons
Our team operates both during the fall and spring semesters. We provide an opportunity for our members to practice their horsemanship for and/or English every Monday and Western every Wednesday. Additional practices and lessons can also be arranged on an individual basis with our coach.
For showing members, as a team we travel to four shows per semester, two western and two hunt seat. There are also postseason shows for those who qualify.
We accept new members at the beginning of each semester and any time during the semester. For more information please find the email below to get into contact with an officer.
All members be advised that Wyoming's winters do impact some practices.
The Equestrian Team is a club sports organized team organized by student officers. The team competes within the governing body, IHSA (Intercollegiate Horse Show Association) in Zone 8, Region 5. Within our region we compete against several different University Teams including: Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nebraska, and Kansas.
Our team shows in western horsemanship, ranch riding, and reining. As well as hunt seat on the flat and over fences.
IHSA offers classes for all levels of riders ranging from beginners to riders who have previously qualified for nationally ranked shows. All showing members have the opportunity to gain points and move up in level to show at regionals for a chance to compete across the county at zones/semifinals and Nationals.
Campus Recreation
Recreational Sports Office
Half Acre Gym, Rm. 223
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-4175