Registration Information

Office of the Registrar

Add/Drop Process

Modification of a course schedule during the drop/add time period is accomplished through WyoWeb (web registration). After the end of the drop/add period, (see Calendar) individual class withdrawals must be processed on the appropriate form at the Office of the Registrar or by online petition. Changes to a student's registration or withdrawals are not official until the required forms are completed and returned to the Office of the Registrar as prescribed.

The period of time allowed for modifying a student's schedule or withdrawing during the summer session or other special terms is established in regulations or by the Registrar, subject to the approval of the Trustees.

Dropping a class or changing sections. A student may drop classes or change sections of the same course during the first eight class days of the semester (four class days for blocked courses).

Adding a course or changing grading option. A student must add classes or change grading options or variable credit hours during the first four days of class of the semester (two class days for blocked courses).

Course Withdrawal

After the designated drop/add period, students may officially withdraw from individual regular term courses until fifteen class days after mid-semester (five days after the middle of the course for blocked courses). Withdrawing means that a non-punitive grade of “W” is assigned as the final grade for the class. Students considering withdrawing should contact the Student Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing to fully understand how withdrawing will affect their aid and scholarships.

Students may withdraw from an individual course through their WyoRecords account. If a student has a hold on their account preventing them from withdrawing through WyoRecords, they may submit an online Class Withdrawal form available on the Office of the Registrar website. The online form is required for students who wish to withdraw from First Year Seminar classes.

Refunds for course withdrawal (when applicable) are based on the date the withdrawal is processed, not on submission of the online petition.

When a class has a status of “Indiv Course Withdrawal” on the “Add or Drop Classes” page in WyoRecords, the student has officially withdrawn. Students may also confirm that a final grade of “W” is noted on the transcript, which may be viewed through WyoRecords.

Unauthorized discontinuance of enrollment or unofficial abandonment of classes will result in a failing grade.

All-School-Withdrawal (Termination of enrollment at the University for the given semester): Withdrawal from the university is the official termination of student status prior to the end of a fall or spring semester, but students may otherwise register for classes for the subsequent semester if they choose to do so. Students wishing to withdraw from all on-campus classes should initiate the procedure with the Dean of Students Office. Withdrawal from the university is not permitted during the last 15 days of a term. After clearing with the Dean of Students Office, the withdrawal form must be presented to the university cashier for initial processing. The Office of the Registrar will report withdrawals to instructors concerned.

Registration Holds

Prior to registration, all holds must be cleared through the appropriate offices:

Academic - Your adviser or dean's office

Admission - Undergraduates: Admissions Office, 150 Knight Hall (766-5160)

Accounts Receivable - Accounts Receivable Office, 172 Knight Hall (766-6232)

MMR Immunization - Student Health Building (766-2130)

Parking - Transit and Parking Services  (766-7845)

Student Loans - Student Financial Operations, 172 Knight Hall (766-3214)

Office of the Registrar

167 Knight Hall
Department 3964
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5272

Fax: (307) 766-3960

Lane Buchanan, Registrar
Bobby Ratteree, Associate Registrar
Johnathan Despain, Associate Registrar