students with molecular structure

Science Initiative Roadshow

The mission of the Science Initiative Roadshow is to form an inclusive network of sustained relationships through STE(A)M outreach and campus visits, that facilitate interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary creative thinking and active learning in diverse Wyoming K-PhD students, educators at all levels, and community members.

The Roadshow team, made up of UW educators and students, provides learning opportunities that transform teaching, learning, and Wyoming communities, in-person and virtually.

Please complete the SI Roadshow Survey to request a visit from the Roadshow team! 



Interested in giving to the Science Initiative K-12 Outreach Team?

Give here 

Please remember no gift is too small to make a difference, and we thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Current sponsors

The generous support of Union Wireless, Rocky Mountain Power, and Williams Companies Foundation enables us to provide quality STE(A)M education to Wyoming students and citizens throughout the state.


Union Wireless logo Rocky Mountain Power logo


Williams Company Logo


Thank you to our Previous sponsors

Dominion Energy Logo  

Contact Us

Karagh Brummond

Co-Director, Science Initiative Outreach & Engagement

Instructional Professor

Honors College

Erin Klauk

Co-Director, Science Initiative Outreach & Engagement


Geology and Geophysics