Mission Statement:
To form an inclusive network of sustained relationships through STEM outreach and
campus visits, that sustain interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary creative thinking
and learning in diverse Wyoming preK-PhD students, educators at all levels and community
members through active learning.
One way we enact our Mission Statement:
Teams of undergraduate and graduate students from UW, along with UW instructors, travel
throughout the state facilitating hands-on learning in PreK-12 STEM classrooms using
active learning techniques through the Science Initiative Roadshow. The teams from
UW work with PreK-12 teachers to integrate learning experiences into existing curricula
in order to achieve assigned learning outcomes. This collaborative approach exposes
Wyoming students and teachers to innovative active learning techniques and creates
links between UW and schools across the state to improve STEM teaching statewide.
What do we offer to teachers and students through the PreK-12 Science Initiative Roadshow?
- Customizable curriculum that melds our research expertise with your learning outcomes
- A diverse team of scholars across levels and science disciplines who are trained in
teaching and learning
- Hyperflexible modalities for learning - from online to outdoor to in the classroom
- Sustained partnerships surrounding authentic application of science in community problem
- Long-lasting relationships that empower learners across levels
- Educational development (particularly training in inclusive active learning modalities)
for PreK-12 teachers to improve and enhance STEM education
Behind every video and resource you see here, there is a real researcher who would
love to work with you and your students. Please do not hesitate to contact us!
- Virtual Roadshow Videos and NGSS https://youtu.be/fc3P3fHkHc4
- In this video Ali Baas (an award-winning Junior High and High School teacher and PhD
student in Curriculum and Instruction) speaks about how the Virtual Roadshow videos
can be used to teach three-dimensionally and across NGSS standards.
- Discovering Astrobiology with Dr. Sutter and Dr. Currano https://youtu.be/TUPZJDeHAmY
- After watching this synthesis of paleobotany and astronomy, you will be able to answer
the question: How will we recognize biosignatures (signs of life) on other planets
(such as Mars).
- Perfectus Biomed Lab Tour with Rachel and Team https://youtu.be/nYKieakwRSc
- In this video Tour the Perfectus Biomed Labs in Jackson Wyoming with Rachel and Research
- Virtual Tour of the Observatory https://youtu.be/MhPLVdhmCZE
- In this video, you will have the opportunity to tour the Wyoming Infrared Observatory
(WIRO) with Dr. Kobulnicky.
- Brett Ralston Answers Questions from Rock Springs https://youtu.be/x6oTQWHdyAM
This video is for answering Rock Springs Questions and will not be monetized.
- PCR in Lab with Brett https://youtu.be/AgeOjOokG8I
- In this video, Brett takes us on a tour of his lab and explains how he uses PCR to
help him in studying genes that are associated with hormones released by the pituitary.
- COVID-19 search for vacine with Liam https://youtu.be/2GQiKG8j4zI
- In this video, Liam interviews experts in Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy about
the process of design, development and distribution of a possible COVID-19 vaccine.
After watching this, you will better understand the complexities of and inequities
inherent within this process.
- Virtual Inreach Video with Dr. Ben Noren https://youtu.be/WEOpRFGa-SA
- Dr. Ben Noren shows the Rock Springs High School students around his laboratory in
our first virtual inreach video. In this video, Dr. Noren takes us on a tour of his
laboratory and explains his research about hydrogels explaining what they are and
how they help us understand biology and cells.
- DNA extraction with Liam Sydney https://youtu.be/DvRAEkkjhlQ
After watching this video featuring Liam and Sydney, you will be able to extract DNA
from either a banana or saliva. You will be able to explain why household reagents
allow DNA extraction!
The following learning standards are relevant to this video:
[MS-LS1-2], [MS-PS1-2], [5-PS1-1], [HS-LS-1], [HS-LS3-1], [HS-LS4-1]
- How the Brain Learns Best with Rachel https://youtu.be/-K4IlVgT01s
- After watching this vodcast with Rachel, you'll be able to identify conditions/environments
in which your brain works best.
- Writing a laboratory notebook with Rachel https://youtu.be/gNq1JeikykM
- In this vodcast, you will learn how to maintain a lab notebook. Rachel works through
the process of preparing the lab notebook, planning an experiment, performing an experiment
(isolating microbial colonies from a sourdough starter culture) and documenting that
experiment. This vodcast was designed for 7th grade through college Senior but could even be appealing to K-7. It can be linked
to many standards: K-LS1-1, K-ESS2-2, K-ESS3-1, K-2-ETS1-2 (communicating through
sketches), 2-PS1-4, 2-LS4-1, 3-LS4-3, MS-LS2-1, MS-LS2-3, MS-LS2-4 (microbial ecosystems),
MS-LS4-5 (artificial selection with selective media), MS-ETS1-2, MS-ETS1-3, MS-ETS2-1,
HS-LS2-1. The overt standards are the ELA / Literacy connections I think: RST.6-8.3, WHST.6-8.7. It’s interesting that doing science is just an ELA connection? This should be the most important science standard. Reach out to me if I am misinterpreting!
- Making Petal Paint with Mercedes https://youtu.be/xWLna1RH6yQ
- After watching this video, you will be able to design an experiment in which you can
make paint from rose petals. You will remember how to make a lab notebook entry. (Links to the following standards: 5-PS1-4, MS-PS1-2, MS-PS1-3 and HS-PS1-5 (Matter and its interactions)
- Virtual Roadshow Mule Deer with Rhiannon https://youtu.be/e_U-fMHfi6Y
- In this Virtual Roadshow, you will learn with Rhiannon about how Wildlife Ecologists discover
how fawn (baby Mule Deer) learn to migrate. This video links well to Wyoming Standard
- Performing Coffee Filter Chromatography in the Kitchen with Ella and Rachel HTTPS://youtu.be/TIu6qciQXzw
- (Links to the following standards: Matter and Its Interactions [5-PS-3], [2-PS-2], Energy
[5-PS-1], From Molecules to Organisms: Structure and Processes [MS-DLLS-6], [HS-DLLS-5])
- Using Red Cabbage to Create a Natural pH indicator with Ella HTTPS://youtu.be/1C_jnIN_Wig
- (It seems to me that the standards are missing overt mention of hydrogen ion concentration
as a pivotal physical and biological measure? - if anyone has ideas of how they would
relate this to the standards, shout out!)
- Drawing a Galaxy with Jessica HTTPS://youtu.be/UDp4bOIz42A
- Links to the following standards: Earth’s Place in the Universe [1-HESS-1], [MS-HESS-2], [HS-HESS-1]and probably also [K-2-BETS-2] at least with respect to the concepts; Fusion reactions might link to
4-PS-2, Matter and Its Interactions [MS-PS-2], [HS-PS-4], [HS-PS-8])
- Universal Expansion with Jessica HTTPS://youtu.be/V38Jf9f-lQo
- Links to Wyoming Science standards: 1-HESS-1 and 5-HESS-2 (awesome activity for rates of change)
- Making Kombucha and doing Kitchen Microbiology with Rachel (likely High-school age but may appeal to younger audiences if parents/teachers vet)
- Links to: MS-DLLS-3, MS-DLLS-6, MS-DLLS-7, MS-DLLS-1, MS-DLLS-4, MS-DLLS-5 (microbial
- Performing Coffee Filter Chromatography in the Kitchen with Ella and Rachel HTTPS://youtu.be/TIu6qciQXzw
- Links to Wyoming Science standards: Matter and Its Interactions [5-PS-3], [2-PS-2], Energy [5-PS-1], From Molecules to
Organisms: Structure and Processes [MS-DLLS-6], [HS-DLLS-5])
Check out this article from the Wyoming Public Media on how the UW Science Initiative
Roadshow has moved virtual to help STEM students and teachers across the state during
these times of SARS-CoV-2.
Check out this video where the Roadshow and Rachel Watson were featured on WedED radio.
Virtual Roadshow in Review
Quotes about the Riverton Summer School Roadshow
"This roadshow was unlike any that I have experienced before, but it was clear that
the students and teachers appreciated us being there just as much if not more than
when we have been there in person. I couldn’t see the students physically, but I could
still witness them light up with awe and curiosity over the chats. It is so rewarding
to see that their joy and interest were still being peaked even through a virtual
connection." -Sade Fermelia
"What makes teaching in this environment so unique is how the public health circumstances
that are shaping our society present perfect opportunities for active learning. Our
Virtual Roadshow with the Riverton Middle School allowed us to engage students in
active learning that helped them tackle the uncertainty of COVID-19 in their communities
with science and facts. Experiences like these in Roadshow have shown me that active
learning is not only useful for helping students achieve learning outcomes; it helps
to build community using experiences that we all share." -Liam Guille
"Working with the roadshow showed how essential active learning is in the virtual
setting. By helping create an environment that engages student curiosity, we were
able to embrace many of the similar attributes of in-person instruction in a virtual
setting. The educators and students at Riverton Middle School did a phenomenal job
at correlating each lesson with the impact that it has on our communities during the
pandemic. This experience has shown me how truly impactful active learning has on
the many facets of our society." - Sydney Comet