Why are TRIO programs important? See this quote from the Council for Opportunity in Education, a national TRIO advocacy group.
"Giving a helping hand to low-income students is both the right thing to do and in our national self-interest. Too many promising, even brilliant students grow up in low-income surroundings with little family wealth to help smooth their paths. Helping them is a significant investment; the United States needs students of every background who are academically prepared and motivated to achieve success to remain competitive with other nations. But many challenges remain. And like it or not, family wealth makes all the difference. Lack of money is one reason why low-income students are being left behind. Once enrolled, low-income students earn bachelor’s degrees at a rate that is less than half of their high-income peers — 21% compared with 45%. America’s highest and lowest-income students may have similar talents and potential, but there is a wide gap between the groups in college attendance. Few low-income students achieve a college degree, no matter how talented they are. That is why TRIO is so essential. TRIO programs step in the gap for many individuals..."
Congratulations SSS graduates, we are so proud of you! It is an exceptional honor for us to have played even a small role in your success.
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TRIO Student Success Services
Dept. 3808
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY. 82071
Knight Hall, Room 330 (Main Office)
Phone: (307) 766-6189
Email: sss@uwyo.edu