John KasZuba
Dr. Kaszuba is an SER Professor of Geology and Geophysics in the Department of Geology
and Geophysics. He received his Ph.D. from Colorado School of Mines. He is a recognized
expert in high pressure/high temperature hydrothermal and multiphase fluid-rock reactions.
Dr. Kaszuba's research has produced seminal experimental papers regarding supercritical
carbon dioxide reaction processes in brine aquifers, with implications for geologic
sequestration of carbon. His current research focuses on integrated laboratory and
computational approaches for multiphase fluid-rock interaction and evolution in crustal
systems; contact metamorphism; quartz and carbonate veins and textures; redox equilibria
in crustal-scale (deep) aquifers; and mass and energy transfer in the crust.
- Ph.D. Colorado School of Mines 1997
- M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986
- B.S. Beloit College 1982