By Katrina Clymer., Academic Advising Professional
While your main objective as a college student is furthering your education and getting that degree- consider the benefits of getting involved in your campus community via student groups, community outreach, and campus activities. If you have an interest, more than likely, there’s a club for that. At UW they’re called RSOs or Recognized Student Organizations. The benefits of joining an RSO go beyond the obvious, personal enjoyment; getting involved in your community helps prepare you for your professional life after college.
Participation looks great on your resume. Don’t see the correlation between joining an RSO and your resume? You’ll likely develop many transferable skills through your participation in student groups. Examples- leadership skills, team work, social media coordination, and event promotion- all real skills you can use on your resume!
Exploring your interests by participating in various groups will help you when it’s
time to find your dream job. Example- you joined ROaR! (Restoration Outreach and Research)
as a freshman and discovered that you are passionate about working outdoors and that
you enjoy educating the public on various environmental initiatives.
Engaging in your community will build strong networks for your future work world.
Who you know matters when looking for a job! Example- as a WSCPLM (Wyoming Student
Chapter of Professional Land Managers) member you were able to meet with industry
professionals who helped guide you and answered questions about working as a landman.