Published April 15, 2021
Members of the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER) Energy Resource Council (ERC) will meet from 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Friday, April 16, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Laramie.
The Energy Resource Council (ERC), comprised of legislators, representatives from industry, state government and academia, was established by the 2006 Wyoming State Legislature. It is charged with providing direction to UW’s School of Energy Resources (SER) on priorities for academics, research and outreach.
Among the agenda items are updates on the recent legislative session, SER division reports from directors, as well as a financial update.
The School of Energy Resources provides undergraduate and graduate education, conducts research on existing and emerging energy resources and disseminates scientific, engineering and economic information to support Wyoming’s near- and long-term energy future.
Interested members of the public wishing to listening in on the meeting may request access to the zoom link by contacting Christine Reed at christine.reed@uwyo.edu.
Information about the School of Energy Resources is available on the web at www.uwyo.edu/ser.