The School of Energy Resources (SER) at the University of Wyoming (UW) is dedicated to energy-driven economic development for the state of Wyoming. Created in 2006, SER enhances the university's energy-related education, research and outreach. SER directs and integrates cutting edge energy research and academic programs at UW and bridges academics and industry through targeted outreach programs.
To meet the growing demand for professionals with a multidisciplinary background in the energy sector, SER offers a degree in Energy Resource Management. The program offers two concentrations for specialization with an emphasis on business, project management, and law & policy.
With an emphasis on research, innovation, and the commercialization of energy resources, SER houses 3 major Centers of Excellence and provides funding for additional centers, bringing together faculty and graduate students from multiple disciplines to develop important energy research programs.
The Shell 3D Visualization Center (Viz Center) proudly houses the only four-walled, 3D CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) in Wyoming. The Viz Center enable scientists, engineers, and students to visualize and interact with highly complex data sets, enhancing teaching and research at UW.
The “Energy Frontier: The Wyoming Landscape” podcast brings together academic researchers, industry professionals, students, policy makers, and more to explore energy topics, including SER’s research efforts and developing Wyoming projects.
The School of Energy Resources is housed in the Energy Innovation Center (EIC). This state-of-the-art research and collaboration facility includes technical research space, offices, a classroom, and meeting spaces. Modern, reconfigurable laboratory spaces play a key role in advancing our strategic plan. Read more >>>
Heather Chandler
Office Associate, Senior
School of Energy Resources
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3012
Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Phone: (307) 760-3721
Tanner McClure
Academic Coordinator
School of Energy Resources
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3012
Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Phone: (307) 343-0509