Contact Us

UW Staff Senate
Merica Hall, Room 320
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3413
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5300
Office Associate Senior, Christina McDonald:
Staff Senate President, Adam Comeau:

Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)

Staff Senate News

Welcome to the University of Wyoming Staff Senate News! Stay updated with the latest news, events, and happenings relevant to our staff community. From important announcements to recognition of outstanding achievements, our articles aim to keep you informed and engaged.

Employee of the Year Wolfinbarger presented with large check from UniWyo Credit Union 2024 Staff Recogntion Day Photo's

Experience the vibrant spirit of recognition and appreciation that filled Staff Senate Day.

Raffle Ticket Congrats to our Raffle Winners!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of our recent Staff Senate raffles! Congratulations to Alicia Zuniga for winning the 50/50 raffle and Russ Kersey for being the lucky recipient of the Meat Raffle. A big thank you goes to the UW Meat Lab for their generous contribution.

staff senate logo Staff Senate Elections and Confirmations for FY25

Election results for officers and newly confirmed senators for FY25 announced. Terms will official begin on July 1st, 2024, making the start of another promising year.

staff recognition day participants Celebrating Excellence: Staff Recognition Day Award Winners

Congratulations to all our outstanding award recipients at Staff Recognition Day! Your hard work, dedication, and contributions have not gone unnoticed, and we are proud of your achievements.

Senator Jeanne Moede A Message from Jeanne Moede, Recognition Committee Chair

It's with heartfelt gratitude that I reach out to extend our deepest thanks for your invaluable contributions, which played an instrumental role in ensuring the success of this special occasion.

staff senate logo Staff Senate Expanded Representation

As we move forward into fiscal year 2025 and beyond, Staff Senate is excited to announce a significant expansion in the representation of our University of Wyoming staff within the Staff Senate. In our ongoing commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, Staff Senate is pleased to inform you that the Staff Senate will now represent not only classified staff but also administrative professional staff and contract employees.

Jody Evans picture Employee of the 1st Quarter 2024

Announcing Jody Evans as the distinguished recipient of the 2024 Employee of the 1st Quarter award! Jody's dedication and exceptional contributions have earned her this well-deserved honor.

Contact Us

UW Staff Senate
Merica Hall, Room 320
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3413
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5300
Office Associate Senior, Christina McDonald:
Staff Senate President, Adam Comeau:

Find us on YouTube (Link opens a new window)