Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6122
Registration and Scholarship applications are now open for the 2024 Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival.
The Scholarship Application is available online and is due May 1, 2024 using a tool called Submittable.
Registration is due July 1, 2024.
Registration and Scholarship Application
Follow these steps to complete the online application.
1. Create a free Submittable account.
2. You will then be taken to the Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival application site.
Click on the application you would like to complete.
3. Ensure you answer all the required questions.
4. Click apply at the bottom of the application or save the draft and come back later
to complete.
Some Tips
1. You can now send your scholarship reference letter directly to your preferred reference
by using their email.
2. All required scholarship videos can be uploaded to the application.
3. Ensure you download the mandatory registration forms using the supplied link and
upload them to the application.
Tuition and housing payment is due by the first day of each festival block, July 14, 2024 for the Young Dancers’ Workshop and July 21, 2024 for the Pre-Professional/Professional Intensive. Day passes are avilable throughout the festival.
To arrange for payment, contact the Buchanan Center Box Office: 307-766-6666. BCPA box office hours are M-F 12:00-6:00 p.m. for payment of tuition & housing.
CANCELLATIONS made to the festival before June 14 will be given a full refund. Cancellations
made after June 14 will be assessed a $40 fee. Please contact to communicate cancellations.
NO REFUNDS for cancellations will be made after the festival begins.
SRSDF 2024 Tuition:
Young Dancers’ Workshop $450
Pre-Professional/Professional Intensive Tuition $450
On-Campus Housing (all inclusive, including gala reception dinner) $500
Lunch (home-stay) meal plan (includes required daily lunch, gala reception, opening picnic): $75
Day Rate Payment (3 classes): $30/day
Individual Class: $20
Showcase Tickets: $8
Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6122