DATE: Friday, October 6, 2023
LOCATION: University of Wyoming (Laramie Campus)
ABOUT: Wyoming’s Articulation Summit is the annual venue to calibrate across Wyoming higher education institutions to design and build partnerships to serve students through articulations to the University of Wyoming. This event is designed for conversations and networking between institutions to discuss opportunities to align efforts in transferability, learning objectives and needs of the state. While conversations of block articulation, course-to-course articulation or program articulation are natural elements of these conversations, the focus of the Summit is on the empirical needs and aspirations of improving progress towards degree and attainment of bachelor’s degrees. Each academic program or entity is encouraged to schedule individual times outside the Summit for specific work related to course, program, and block articulation efforts.
The University of Wyoming Office of Institutional Analysis produces an annual report on enrollment, performance, retention & graduation, and demographics of new Wyoming transfer students at UW.
The New Wyoming Transfer Student report is available via a link published on this page:
New Wyoming Transfer Students at UW: Link to OIA website
For questions about this report, contact
Videos from the summit:
Please click on each link below to watch each video.