
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

a young Black woman is at a whiteboard working on math equations

Study Mathematics at UW


Our Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers B.A. and B.S. programs in mathematics as well as a minor. Students learn fundamentals in each program with various electives to have an experience aligning with their interests in math.  


What is Mathematics?

The mathematics program at UW provide a comprehensive math degree with training in the fundamentals of proofs, analysis, algebra, computation and math modeling. Students will gain a strong background in teaching, working in the industry and graduate programs focused on math.

Interested in getting a mathematics minor?

Our mathematics minor provides essential foundational knowledge for further study and practical applications. Students customize the minor with a transition course and upper-division electives. The core includes Calculus 1, 2, 3, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra and Math Major Seminar. In the upper division, students choose Analysis 1, Algebra 1 or Introduction to Scientific Computing, plus 3 additional upper division math credits. These electives, with substantial math content, require advisor approval. A grade of C or higher is required.

Check out the full mathematics minor curriculum!

a smiling woman is holding a geometry book and standing in front of a whiteboard with geometry equations written on it

UW mathematics faculty members are experts in their field and they’ve won multiple awards.

Dr. Stefan Heinz works in wind energy and aeronautics and is an associate fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Zhuang Niu has award-winning work in C*-algebras.

Dr. Stefan Heinz is standing in a field with wind turbines in the distance

Mathematics students must take courses such as Calculus, Applied Differential Equations and Math Major Seminar.

View all course requirements for a B.S. or B.A. in mathematics.

Students working on mathematics equations

What can you do with a mathematics bachelor's degree?

The study of mathematics can lead to a variety of exciting professional careers. Basic research, engineering, finance, business and government service are among the opportunities open to those with mathematics training. Moreover, with the increasing importance of basic science and information technology, prospects for careers in the mathematical sciences are very good. Mathematical analysis and computational modeling are important for solving some of the most pressing problems of our time such as new energy resources, climate change and risk management epidemiology. 

Mathematics Careers

  • Teacher
  • Actuary
  • Audiologist 
  • Financial Server
  • Management Analyst
  • Auditor 
  • Statistician
  • Software Developer
  • Data Scientist
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer & Information Research Scientist
  • Accountant
  • Mathematician


Students working on mathematics equations

Here are a few places our University of Wyoming Math alumni have continued their education!

  • California Institute of Technology
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • The Ohio State University
  • St. Andrew’s College
  • Purdue University
  • Arizona State University
mountain logo

Mathematics Program Highlights

Students majoring in mathematics at UW get a quality education and enjoy many of the following benefits on our campus.

One-on-One Teaching

Receive a lot of individual attention and the opportunity to gain skills in both theoretical and applied math. Our courses are designed to prepare students for Graduate School and work in the industry so that everyone can receive the tools they need to be successful.

Research Opportunities

Students can pursue research projects with faculty, or find people that work in the fields they are interested in. This is a valuable process faculty encourage for learning more about students’ fields of interest and discovering new things that excite them about every area of research.

Financial Support

The foundation offers several awards for Mathematics majors. Around 20 student recipients are selected annually. There are additional scholarships and opportunities available.

Networking & Student Groups

There are organizations like Math Club where students can connect and learn more about professional aspects of their discipline. CEPS college has an advising center and career services support.

“Most people get one mentor that helps them succeed, but I found a department of them. I have never known another place where the people were such relentless cheerleaders for my future. Professor or fellow student I always had someone to talk to, and I still do today years after I graduated.

- Jenna Krieschel, B.S. '15, M.S. '17
current staff member

Contact Us

We're Eager to Help!

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Ross Hall 327

Department 3036, 1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-4221

Fax: (307) 766-6838
