Police Department
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3124
1010 E. Ivinson
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5179
Email: uwpd@uwyo.edu
5.08.160 Person under twenty-one years of age--Purchase--Prohibited.
No person under the age of twenty-one years shall attempt in any manner to purchase alcoholic or malt beverages. (Ord. 1213 § 2 (part), 1997: Ord. 930 § 1, 1988: Ord. 868 § 1, 1986: prior code § 4-9.1).
5.08.190 Persons under twenty-one years of age--Intoxication or possession of alcoholic beverages.
No person under the age of twenty-one years shall consume, possess or have any alcoholic liquor or malt beverage in his or her possession or shall be intoxicated or under the influence of alcoholic liquor or malt beverage to any degree anywhere within the city. This section shall not apply to possession by a person under the age of twenty-one years making a delivery of such alcoholic liquor or malt beverage pursuant to his or her employment, nor to the possession or consumption by such person who is in the actual physical presence and has the prior specific consent of his or her parent or legal guardian and who is not in a public place or place to which the general public has access. (Ord. 968 § 3, 1989: Ord. 930 § 6, 1988: Ord. 842 § 3, 1985: Ord. 597 § 9, 1980: prior code § 4-12).
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Police Department
University of Wyoming
1000 E. University Ave. Dept. 3124
1010 E. Ivinson
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-5179
Email: uwpd@uwyo.edu