UW logo with Global Engagement Office Education Abroad with pictures of student travels. State Here... Go Anywhere #UWYOabroad

Health & Safety


Health & Safety

We all know that emergencies happen. Give yourself the peace of mind that you know what to do when faced with a challenging situation in a new country. 

Prior to Departure:

Education Abroad asks that all international travelers (including faculty) register their travel in the Cowboys Abroad Portal. 

If Education Abroad sends you check-in requests by email, or by phone please respond!  These are extremely important so we know that you are safe during emergencies and so we can assist you if assistance is required.

Education abroad advisors (uwyoabd@uwyo.edu) must receive from all international and NSE travelers (including faculty leading UW students abroad) prior to departure:

  • Itinerary information, including international and in-country travel details; housing, hotels, and hostels; and program details
  • Emergency contact information in the US for the student/faculty member in the US (parent, sibling, spouse, etc.)
  • Passport information
  • Waiver of liability form
  • Medical questionnaire

In addition, all travelers should register with the US State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) before going on their program.  This is useful for students who find themselves in the middle of natural disasters abroad, pandemics, or emergencies.  It allows the US government to know where its citizens are when they travel abroad. Additionally, the U.S. DOS’s Travelers website provides a variety of travel safety resources, including country-specific Travel Advisories.

In case of emergency:

Take whatever actions are necessary to ensure your immediate safety.  Contact local emergency services.  In all cases, contact your lead instructor in the case of a faculty-directed program abroad or host organization/program provider you are working with, if applicable.

In case of dire situations, or if you need more guidance, contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

If necessary, contact Shelley Jewell, Director of Education Abroad or emergency designee (From abroad: 001-307-766-3678 from 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. MST or MDT.  After hours or for most holidays, from abroad: 001-859-552-7351)

Communications while abroad:

If an adverse event occurs in the country or region of travel, as soon as possible after ensuring immediate safety travelers should contact designated UW personnel (see below), and look for inquiries from UW personnel through email or phone contact, or other methods as arranged prior to departure (via social network sites, for example).  In the case of a class, it is sufficient for the lead instructor to make the contact, provided that person has accurate information about everyone traveling in association with the class.

At UW:

  • First point of contact: Shelley Jewell, Director of Education Abroad or emergency designee (From abroad: 001-307-766-3678 from 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. MST or MDT.  After hours or for most holidays, from abroad: 001-859-552-7351)
  • Secondary points of contact:  Dean of Students (001-307-766-3296 from 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. MST or MDT, 001-307-760-4454 outside of business hours ); or Vice President for Student Affairs (001-307-766-5123 from 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. MST or MDT, or 001-307-760-2370 outside of business hours)
  • Urgent point of contact: UW Police Dispatch (from abroad: 001-307-766-5179)

UW internal communications:

Upon ascertaining the status of travelers, in all cases (including an "all clear"), education abroad staff contacted will notify all the following parties of the group's status via email:

In the event of a dire situation, all of the above must be notified immediately by the Director of Education Abroad, or whomever is the first contact, by email and phone.  In addition to the above, the following will also be notified:

  • Dean of affected faculty member and/or students
  • Department head of effected faculty member and/or students

If GEO is not the first point of contact, UWPD dispatch will alert the individuals listed above by emergency telephone contact list (below).

External communications:

In the event of a dire situation, information acquired by Education Abroad staff is relayed to UW Public Relations.  All external inquiries from the media directed to UWPR.

Contact List - UWPD to Notify in Case of Emergency:



Emergency Phone

Shelley Jewell, Director of Ed. Abroad


001-307-766-3678 (business hours)

001-859-552-7351 (after hours/holidays)

Dean of Students


001-307-766-3296 (business hours)

Chad Baldwin, UW Institutional



001-307-766-2353 (business hours)

Kimberly Chestnut, VP Student Affairs


001-307-766-5123 (business hours)

Kevin Carman, Provost and Executive Vice President


001-307-766-4286 (business hours)

Bill Mai, VP Government and Community Affairs


001-307-766-4123 (business hours)


University Risk Management 


001-307-766-6787 (business hours)

UW Police Dispatch


001-307-766-5179 (24/7)


Contact Us


Cheney International Center  |   Dept. 3707, 1000 E. University Ave.   |   Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-3677   |   Fax: (307)766-3679

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